Editor’s Note

We may look a little different this month, but don’t worry, Princeton Perspectives is providing the same quality in depth articles and more that you have come to know and trust. We hope you like our makeover and find it similar to navigate through our digital magazine.

This month, we are talking about various aspects of housing. Throughout Princeton, there are a variety of options from affordable to market-rate, rentals, owned, apartments, townhomes and single or dual-family houses. In 1684, the Barracks were built on Edgehill Street. The original building, likely the oldest in town, is still maintained as part of a private residence today. It is part of the history and old charm of Princeton’s housing. But modern needs are also recognized, which is why new construction is going up across the municipality. How are the changing needs being met? What does a homeowner need to know? How does today’s real estate market even work? All of these questions are answered in the September issue of Princeton Perspectives, Housing, What You Need to Know to Own, Sell or Rent.

We start of this issue by getting to know some locals and asking: Why have you chosen to live in Princeton? Owners and renters share their stories in this month’s Pulse of Princeton video.

I our article, we kick off by offering up some insight into what many in Princeton are talking about. New Construction is Going Up All Around Town details what is being built, where and why. It’s a must read if you are interested in something new, to rent or own, or have wondered what all the construction is about.

If you are in the market for a new home, whether you are buying or selling, a recent lawsuit has changed real estate laws. New Real Estate Laws – Are they Better or Worse for Those in the Market? explains what changes have been made. With insight from three different local real estate experts, we learn some of the nuances and how they are being interpreted.

Unless you have enough cash to pay for a home outright, it is essential to understand how borrowing works, before you jump into a purchase. In the article Mortgages… The Biggest Decision of Your Life. Or is it?, a longtime mortgage lender takes some of the pressure off of this decision by sharing everything you need to know.

If you do end up buying a home, or already own one, there are some other things you may not have thought about in terms of upkeep and improvements. What do Warranties and Incentives Truly Offer for Homeowners? lets you know some of the options out there to decide how or if you should take advantage.

Lastly, we steer away from housing for this month’s Perspectives Revisited as we update you on some stories we have mentioned in the past. Read on to find out the latest on Princeton Public Schools plans for facility enhancement. We also inform you about a new policy at Six Flags Great Adventure, an important one to know if you have teenagers!

Next month we will be putting out our annual elections issue. This will provide you with everything you need to know to vote – from 2024’s early voting options and new information, to who all the candidate are and some key local political insights. We are proud to provide the most comprehensive voting resource for Princeton voters. We hope you look forward to this issue as much as we do as we always provide you with an in depth look at what matters to Princeton.

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