Connecting with the Community for a Safe, Joyful Summer

Connecting with the Community for a Safe, Joyful Summer

ISSUE #52 – June 18, 2024

Editor’s Note

Schools is out, which means summer has officially begun! With more flexible schedules and generally more relaxed moods, there are so many ways to get active and take advantage of the Princeton area now. In our June issue of Princeton Perspectives, Connecting with the Community for a Safe, Joyful Summer, we share with you a variety of ways to do so.

To kick off with ideas of how to connect, we went downtown and asked people what outdoor summer activity they enjoy most. Watch our Pulse of Princeton now to hear what locals are excited for!

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The Pulse of Princeton: What do you like to do outside in the summer?

Perspectives Revisited

If you desire a more walkable and bikeable county, now is your opportunity to speak up. We have written about the need for more sidewalks, pedestrian and bike friendly paths such as in the article Where the Snowden Sidewalk Ends (But Shouldn’t) in the issue Trials and Tribulations Around Town: What’s the Best Way to Move Forward? (June 2023). Mercer County and the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission are considering connecting two trails along the Johnson Trolley Trail Corridor, creating one consistent path from Trenton to Princeton. The hope is such a trail would offer a safe alternative to driving and create a stronger connection through the region. If you want to weigh in, the survey can be found here.

Join, show support and be a part of Princeton’s Pride Parade, this Saturday, June 22nd. It is a time to be proud and counter hate. We wrote about Biases in our Hometown (May 2021), specifically detailing biases based on gender and sexuality in the article Bias Incidents are on the Rise. What’s it Like Here? One strong way to counter biases is by celebrating who you are and those around you. The first Princeton Pride Parade took place in 2019, and this year’s will kick off at the steps of the municipal building at 11am.