Historic Influences on the Happenings of Today

Historic Influences on the Happenings of Today

ISSUE #51 – May 15, 2024

Editor’s Note

“Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present, to live better in the future.” -William Wordsworth

Wordsworth touched upon just the thing we hope to highlight in this month’s issue of Princeton PerspectivesHistoric Influences on the Happenings of Today. Through each phase of existence, the human people hope to learn, grow and prosper. Sometimes the lessons of history guide us to better ways, and sometimes unlearned lessons are repeated. Sometimes the tools and products developed benefit us for ages and other times are improved upon to enhance and better our lives. There is a lot about history that is present in our daily lives, and we share some with you in this month’s issue.

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Perspectives Revisited

Your home energy may start getting more expensive! Last year, we discussed NJ Governor Phil Murphy’s climate goals, and the possibility of achieving them in the article The Likelihood Local Residents Can Help NJ Meet New Climate Change Goals, from the March 2023 issue Change Can Be Hard. How Do We Know If It’s The Right Choice?. PSE&G has offered some incentives to help homeowners get there, but their other services may come at an increased cost. Our area’s electric and gas utility company has asked the State Board of Public Utilities to approve a significant rate increase for distribution of the energies (sale of electricity and natural gas can come from alternative vendors). If approved, one could see an 8% total bill impact for electricity and an 11% total bill impact for natural gas. This would be its first increase since 2018, but it says it is necessary to recover from capital investments and storm costs. A public hearing was held on Monday, but more testimony is to be expected as PSE&G is also receiving pushback from organizations representing consumers, including AARP and NJ Division of Rate Council.

How do New Jersey’s schools stay so strong? It’s from a lot of public funding. In October 2023, we shared that 49% of your tax bill went to Princeton Public Schools in the article What is the PPS Referendum and Who are the Board Candidates?, in the issue Elections 2023 – Details on Voting, Candidates & More! That is thanks to the average Princeton homeowner paying $10,508 towards Princeton Public Schools $87,992,557 total budget. If it feels steep, that’s because it was the highest cost per household of all Mercer municipalities. It turns out, a total of $17.5B was collected throughout the entire Garden State to fund schools last year.