
2020 Elections: Everything You Need to Know to Vote Locally & Informed!

ISSUE #8 – October 15, 2020

Editor’s Note

2020 is a year no one could have predicted. Most of what has happened this year has felt out of control. But there is one way that you can take an active part in how the future plays out…by voting.

Last year, in the general election (notably not a Presidential election) only 28% of Mercer County voters cast a ballot. Whether you feel strongly that our existing politicians should stay in office or insistent they be replaced, casting your vote is the only way to have a say.

Our mission at Princeton Perspectives is to share content and information that matters to Princeton. To that end, this entire issue, 2020 Elections: Everything You Need to Know to Vote Locally & Informed!, is dedicated to our 2020 general election, in a hyper-local way. If your Vote-by-Mail ballot is sitting on the counter or you are waiting to go to the polls on November 3rd to cast a provisional ballot or, if disabled, vote in a booth, our articles will help enlighten you about every detail you need to be an educated voter. If you’ve already filled out your ballot, read on to learn more about who you voted for and to open your eyes as to what others in local politics and around town feel in today’s political world. Read more…


The Pulse of Princeton:
With the election upon us, what issue is most important to you and why?

What favorite holiday traditions are you determined to embrace, despite the pandemic? Share your perspective for our November issue! If you’d like to contribute your video thoughts next month or for a future Pulse of Princeton, please click here and provide your name and email address to be contacted.


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