Every Day is a Special Day – How to Celebrate Them Around Princeton

Every Day is a Special Day – How to Celebrate Them Around Princeton

ISSUE #41 – July 18, 2023

Editor’s Note

Today is July 18th, that means that somewhere, someone is taking in the sounds of nature celebrating World Listening Day or puckering up to enjoy National Sour Candy Day. There are a lot of fun and important holidays on the calendar. Some are widespread and others simply carry meaning to a select few. According to National Today, there are 6,417 special days to celebrate each year. Several of them happen in July, and we are highlighting them with local ways to take advantage of and honor each.

Just to be alive and breathing in the fresh air of summer is something to celebrate. But let’s have some fun with it! The July issue of Princeton Perspectives, Every Day is a Special Day – How to Celebrate Them Around Princeton, has chosen four of July’s special dates to provide you with a deeper appreciation and knowledge of our community: Be a Kid Again Day, Hop-a-Park Day, National Lasagna Day and Be Nice to Bugs DayRead more…


The Pulse of Princeton: What is your favorite holiday?

Perspectives Revisited

Can a new task force help prevent the thefts and trafficking of catalytic converters? Last month, in the issue Trials and Tribulations Around Town: What’s the Best Way to Move Forward?, in the article, 21st Century Policing in Princeton Works to Build Relationships and Enhance Safety, the Princeton Police Department shared concerns about the rise in stolen catalytic converters and what you can do to prevent a theft. At the end of June, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez and others introduced legislation that intends to curb this troublesome crime. Citing the fact that local law enforcement alone is unable to tackle this problem, the goal is for a task force made up of local and state law enforcement, in addition to federal help from the Department of Justice and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to deter and prevent the theft and sale of catalytic converters. The bill has been referred to committee, and if passed, will require the Attorney General and Secretary of Transportation to convene the task force.

Another danger to society, this one life-threatening, is that of illicit fentanyl. In the January issue, What’s it Like Here? – Local Updates on National News, we detailed the dangers of this drug, especially on adolescents, in the article Be Alert: Serious Dangers are out there Harming Adolescents and Young Adults. In June, New Jersey took steps to curb the sale and distribution of illicit fentanyl by advancing legislation that would create new thresholds and tougher penalties for those that do so. If approved, the legislation would make it a first-degree crime to make, distribute, carry or sell more than 10 grams of fentanyl with intent to distribute. It would also create harsher penalties for those carrying less, making it a second-degree crime for those with five grams or more and third-degree for those found with less than five grams.