Trials and Tribulations Around Town: What’s the Best Way to Move Forward?

Trials and Tribulations Around Town: What’s the Best Way to Move Forward?

ISSUE #40 – June 15, 2023

Editor’s Note

One of the things that attracts people to Princeton is its diversity. There are people of many races, nationalities, religions, socioeconomic levels and varying degrees of accomplishment. Princeton has long time residents, newcomers and people that are passing through. Some people drive, some ride bikes and others walk. In addition to residents, there are businesses, the municipality and visitors that may all have different interests. Quite often, there are bound to be a variety of opinions.

It is those differences that can help some see things in a different way, lead others to fight for a cause and have more just working to keep the peace. This month, in the June issue Trials and Tribulations Around Town: What’s the Best Way to Move Forward? we take a closer look at all of the above.

Whether you travel around Princeton by car, bike or on foot, you’ll notice things have been changing. We asked locals to offer their perspectives on traffic and parking in town, and you can see what they’ve shared in the Pulse of Princeton video. Read more…


Perspectives Revisited

What would you like to see Princeton consider as it finalizes its Master Plan and seeks to improve certain areas of town? In Finding the Right Balance, Around Town and In Life (Nov 2022) we explained what a Master Plan is, why it’s important and how it is getting created in the article Creating a Master Plan that Balances the Needs of All Involved. Recently, Princeton put out Survey#2 to the community, this time asking some very specific questions about people’s desires and wants, should the opportunities arise. This survey is available for public input until Sunday night, June 18th. Concurrently, public engagement is being sought to gather information on what Princetonians want for Community Park South. The Community Park Redesign Study is hoping to get input on what people want at this park. This survey offers four different layouts and encourages residents to share specific thoughts and concerns about each. This study will stay open until June 26th at 10am.

Primary Election Day is over, and the candidates are set for the political seats in November’s election. Last month, in Get the Lowdown – Local Information You Might Not Know, But Should we shared all of the details about why the Primary is held and specifics for the local ballot in June Primary Election: Why Bother and What You Need to Know. Mercer County voter turnout appears to have been consistent with recent years, with approximately 12% of Democratic voters and 10% of Republican voters casting their ballots. Fewer than 2,000 Princetonians voted on June 6th to confirm Council members David Cohen and Leticia Fraga as the uncontested candidates for November. The race that is still unknown is for the 3 open Board of Election seats. Those candidates, who run unaffiliated, do not have to declare until July 31st.

The Pulse of Princeton: What are your thoughts on getting around and parking in town?

Letter to the Editor

In A Caring Community Divided – What is Happening at Princeton’s Schools (April 2023) we shared the students thoughts regarding the removal of Principal Frank Chmiel from Princeton High School in the article PHS Students are Looking Forward to Better Transparency and Understanding. In this month’s Letter to the Editor, one reader shares theirs:

I am an African American parent of children who are rising third, seventh and ninth graders. Therefore, I have children who could potentially be represented in the elementary, middle school and high school in Princeton PPS. My partner and I currently reside in Garden City, New York and are relocating to New Jersey for a variety of reasons. Our search for a community to settle into is rather short and we both agree that Princeton given its safety, proximity to the Manhattan, small town feel and progressiveness is where we would love to buy a home and settle with our family. Of course, the reputation of its education system is a major appeal as well. So it is with interest and personal investment that we are following very closely what is happening within PPS and to say we are disappointed is an understatement. From the decline in ranking over the years to high staff turnover, to the seemingly incompetence of the current administration, Princeton Public Schools is fast losing its appeal. As an African American with biracial children, I reacted with concern at the claim from Superintendent Dr Carol Kelley that criticism levied at her was racially inflamed. I had no reason to disbelief her as I know from personal experience that racism does exist and I have had unfortunate first hand experiences. Now I’m learning that the release of her emails through an OPRA request do not appear to support her claims. It appears that Dr Kelley used accusations of racism to deflect from her own missteps and sully the reputation of the very people she was hired to serve. If this is true, Dr. Kelley’s character, honesty and integrity are questionable to say the least.

Is Dr. Carol Kelley the best PPS has to offer its students, families and staff? If so, this family wants no parts of it. If PPS is ever to return to its former glory, it appears many changes would need to be implemented. Most notably, a new superintendent.

Jordan Crenshaw
Stewart Ave., Garden City, New York