I got back into local journalism a few years ago, frustrated by the fact that there was nowhere to learn about the many local candidates that would appear on my ballot. Sure, I might have seen an ad or an editorial, but I wasn’t finding any information about a candidate’s experience, plans for office, and no unsolicited information to help sway my vote. So, I wrote an article about some. Now, I dedicate every October issue to informing you as a voter. This issue of Princeton Perspectives marks the 3rd annual elections issue.
As a journalist, I work hard to provide unbiased information, which can be hard when talking politics. If I feel one side needs a chance to speak out, I also provide that opportunity to the other. This month’s issue will not only shed light on where and how to vote and who you can vote for, but it will also provide you with an opportunity to better understand those in your party and that align with the opposite party from you – also those that don’t align at all.
Before we get into politics, we wanted to update some stories that we’ve covered for you in the past. Have a special pup you like to walk outside? There’s some amazing news about a dog park that you can read about in our Perspectives Revisited below. We’ve also got some updated information on how the town has chosen to make a newly renovated intersection even safer. Read on to learn more.
As always, I went into town this month to get some comments from locals, as a way to add perspective to our magazine. I normally have people clamoring to speak with me, but this month was different. First, I encountered many local residents who are not citizens and therefore can’t vote. Second, many people were resistant to speak publicly about their political views. I asked people what sways them as a voter, and we did find some that were willing to share. You can see what they have to say in the Pulse of Princeton video.
And now, onto the juicy details about the election. Though some may have already done their civic duty by voting by mail, many will be heading to the polls later this month and in November. So, it’s important to know Where Do I Vote, Who is Running and What Does Each Candidate Stand For? This article provides all of that information so you can vote informed.
Beyond the ballots, understanding political nuances and viewpoints can lead to greater understanding of your friend, family member or neighbor and enlightened citizens make good citizens. So, in this issue we’re providing information from the three major perspectives, the Democrat, the Republican and the Independent voter.
The Realities and Impact of the Independent Voter breaks down what it is like to live in Princeton and not align with a political party. Do Independent voters still have an impact on elections? Read on to find out.
In Princeton, there hasn’t been a Republican candidate in office in many years and one hasn’t even been on the ticket for a few. Does that mean Republican views and opinions don’t matter in town? The Dissolution of Debate in 2022, A Republican Perspective explains why they do.
I hope you find this information as useful as I do. Politics can be confusing, divisive but can also be wonderful. The more you learn and understand, the more of an impact you can have. Happy reading!
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
2022 is considered an “off” year for many political races, as there are no Presidential, U.S. Senatorial, or State Senate or Assembly contests on the ballot (with a couple of minor exceptions in other NJ districts). But that does not mean you should skip voting, as your choices will help shape the U.S. House of Representatives, county and municipal government and the school board. Trenton is voting for Mayor and its entire City Council, so “off” years can hold a lot of weight locally. Additionally, if you live in Robbinsville or Trenton there are local questions on the ballot to weigh in on as well.
On November 8, 2022, the polls will be open providing an opportunity for you to cast your vote in the general election. Election day, which once stood as the only opportunity to have your voice heard, is now more symbolic than necessary, as voters will also have a chance to vote in person during early voting from October 29th through November 6th or to cast a Mail-in Ballot anytime until November 8th.
If you have recently moved or for another reason have not yet registered to vote in New Jersey, you still have a little time to do so. The deadline for voter registration is October 18th.
As we have for the past two years, Princeton Perspectives wants to help ensure that you are an informed voter. So, read on to find out where to vote, who is running and what each candidate stands for.
In an effort to allow voters a chance to vote when it is most convenient, *seven locations have been set up for the Early Voting Period and you have the ability to cast your vote in any of these locations (Note – there is some variation from last year and there is *again a location in Princeton this year):
*Princeton Shopping Center, 301 N. Harrison St., Princeton, NJ
Mercer County Library – Hickory Corner Branch, 138 Hickory Corner Rd., East Windsor, NJ
Mercer County Office Park – 1440 Parkside Ave., Ewing, NJ
Mercer County Library – Lawrence Headquarters Branch, 2751 Brunswick Pike (at Darrah Lane), Lawrence, NJ
Pennington Fire Company, 120 Broemel Place, Pennington, NJ
Trenton Firehouse Headquarters, 244 Perry St., Trenton, NJ
*Edited 10/27/22, after new lease was obtained for a Princeton location.
These polling sites will be open October 29th – November 6th, Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
However, on election day there is only one polling site you are allowed to go to. You can look up your polling location at this link or check out the sample ballot you’ve received in the mail, which will clearly state where you are designated to vote. There are nine sites throughout Princeton, based on your residency location, so make sure you head to the correct one. You can vote at the polls November 8th from 6am-8pm.
Additionally, if you want to cast a Mail-In Ballot, it must be postmarked by November 8th. The deadline to apply for a Mail-In Ballot through the mail is November 1st, but you can go in person to apply until November 7th. Two drop box locations have been set up in Princeton, at the Princeton Municipal Building (400 Witherspoon St.) and at Princeton University Wawa/Dinky Station (on Alexander St.) with 17 other drop boxes located throughout Mercer County. You can see the full list here and they will also be printed on your ballot.
“The reason we offer three different ways to vote is because our Legislature and Governor passed laws expressly making it more convenient for citizens to exercise this important right to vote,” shares Paula Sollami-Covello, Mercer County Clerk. “Voters can plan when to vote and determine which method works best for their schedule.”
To be an educated voter, it’s also good to know that there are two changes to the NJ elections this year.
Every voting district now has to print out the ballots, so there is more accurate reporting when results are tallied. Also, polls do not have to be closed for counting to begin. Five days before election day, the Mercer Board of Elections will be able to begin counting ballots which is anticipated to allow most votes to be tallied before the end of Election Night. All votes cast, whether through early voting, Mail-In, at the voting booth on election day or provisional ballot will be counted as long as the voter is registered and eligible. Votes that arrive by mail (postmarked by Nov. 8th) will be counted, until November 14th.
So, who will be on your ballot when you vote?
Princeton Council Candidates: Michele Pirone Lambros (D) and Mia Sacks (D)
There are two candidates vying for two open seats on Princeton Council, running for three-year terms on the six-member Council. Like last year, they are both running unopposed to join the all-Democrat Council, with no other parties present on the ticket. What is different this year is that both candidates are also incumbents. Your vote demonstrates support, but there is no minimum vote required for them to win.
Michele Pirone Lambros is running for her second term on Council and maintaining socio-economic diversity remains her primary goal.
“As a second-generation Italian American, this loss strikes a chord with me personally and is the main reason I chose to run for Council and I have decided to seek a second term,” shares Pirone Lambros. “In order to assure we maintain and support greater diversity in our town we need to eliminate exclusionary zoning practices, we need to build more affordable housing, and we need to have more middle-income housing – both rentals and for sale properties. There is no singular path forward that will have all the solutions, it must be a multi-pronged strategy of finding ways to incentivize smart growth development without increasing the financial burden on taxpayers.”
Additionally, her focus on economic development and the commercial interests in town, she says, is also an effort to offset the residential tax burden. Pirone Lambros credits her work over the past few years towards helping local businesses.
“I spearheaded the COVID response to help support our small businesses. This work and the team building it engendered, culminated in the formation this year of a Special Improvement District for Princeton,” Pirone Lambros explains. “Having the business community come together to fund their own self-help program will be transformative for our town and I am proud to be shepherding this effort which will be a milestone in our town’s history.”
Pirone Lambros has deep roots in Princeton, her grandfathers were some of the earliest Italian immigrants that came here from Pettoranello, working as stone masons and landscapers at Princeton University.
Mia Sacks is running for her second term on Council. She also has family roots in Princeton and hopes to continue expanding the socio-economic diversity of town to allow older residents to age-in-place and younger adults to afford and choose Princeton to raise their families. Sacks has been involved in many facets of municipal stewardship throughout her term including consolidating departments to streamline services, securing open space to expand Princeton’s Emerald Necklace, storm water and sewer infrastructure updates and looking ahead as Council representative on both the Princeton Planning Board and Master Plan Steering Committee.
“We have convened a public process for comprehensive review of the town’s Master Plan. An updated Plan, reflecting our residents’ core values, will provide a much-needed guide for municipal decisionmakers as we navigate the impact of growth in Princeton and in the communities surrounding us,” Sacks states.
In a second term, Sacks intends to continue working on the many issues that confront Princeton, and to do so in an engaged and prepared manner.
“Rather than coming to decisions with a preconceived agenda or notion of what is right, I have worked to keep an open mind and to spend many, many hours listening to Princeton residents with a variety of backgrounds and political perspectives,” Sacks expresses. “I also spend a great deal of time absorbing relevant written material that residents send me to read and incorporate conversations with municipal staff and professional experts who may hold differing opinions, as well as elected officials in other towns facing similar issues.”
Princeton Public Schools (PPS) Board of Education Candidates: Debbie Bronfeld, Susan Kanter, Dafna Kendal, Margarita “Rita” Rafalovsky and Lishian Lisa Wu
The 10-member Board of Education has three seats opening up in Princeton for 2023. Three incumbents are trying to keep their seats. Hoping to unseat them are newcomer Margarita “Rita” Rafalovksy and Lishian Lisa Wu, who has run for public office in the past. The terms are all for three years.
Debbie Bronfeld is seeking her third term on Princeton’s Board of Education. She had two children go through Princeton Public Schools. With previous work experience in accounting, manufacturing and nonprofits, Bronfeld feels her experience on the Board will be a strong asset for the future.
“I have 6 years of hands-on experience and historical perspective from being a board member. I’ve served on Operations, Student Achievement, Personnel (chair) and Equity committees (co-chair) so I understand how the district functions,” Bronfeld details. “My 6 years of experience provides history, content and guidance so that changes are not disruptive, and mistakes are not repeated. In January I will continue pushing for better Tenure review, accountability of staff, transparency, support services for students needs and safe and secure facilities.”
Bronfeld was involved in hiring Superintendent Dr. Carole Kelley, a Supervisor of Elementary Education and other key staff as well as having a role in approving a 5-year contract with the teacher’s union. The roof referendum, with construction now underway, was part of her efforts to keep the schools safe. She has also pushed for an earlier start to the budget process, a goal she hopes will prevent layoffs and keep retirees in Princeton. She says she is running for a third term to put students first and is an advocate for multi-tiered support for all learners.
“Moving forward, PPS must focus on supporting our special education, black, and brown students in creating more opportunities for them in general education and AP classes. PPS needs to implement more findings from the special education audit, including professional development for general education staff on how to read and implement student’s IEPs, continue focusing on supporting all social and emotional needs of our students and staff and be sympathetic to home issues that students bring with them to school,” says Bronfeld.
Susan Kanter is running for her second term on the Board. She has sent three children to Princeton Public Schools. After 20 years as VP of Operations for a multinational sales company, Susan retired and later joined the Board of Education in 2020, just 60 days before COVID restrictions and remote learning began.
“It took an engaged and well-functioning board to support the district through the many consequential decisions that needed to be made weekly and keep the focus on student learning/engagement and safety. I believe I contributed to allowing the board to maintain this focus. I have served on five committees during my first term, including my work as Co-Chair of Operations and a member of the Long-Range Planning team. The experience I gained ensuring our facilities are safe, maintained, sustainable and able to serve our community as we grow, while understanding the burden our taxpayers already feel, would make me a valuable member of the PPS School Board for the next three years.”
Though Kanter is proud of the BOE’s role in safely reopening schools, finalizing labor contracts and focusing on facility improvements/repairs, she feels there is still more work to be done.
“The Board is focused on expanding efforts to support the social emotional health of our students, implementing the findings of our special education review, implementing a new strategic plan that has measurable goals in improving areas of growth for the district and supporting the administration as it develops a long-term maintenance and facilities plan,” Kanter adds.
Dafna Kendal, currently serving as Board President, is running for her third non-consecutive term. She has one child that recently graduated from PPS, and another still attending Princeton High School. A practicing lawyer, Kendal believes her collaboration with other Board members helps get things done.
“I have had the privilege to represent our community for six years on the Board of Education. I have served on every BOE committee, and served in the role of vice president twice, and am currently serving in the role of BOE president. This experience has allowed me to develop a deep knowledge of how the district is run and what is needed to effect change.”
Proud of the professionalism of the district’s teachers, administrators and staff, she credits them with enabling the schools to provide an in person, safe and healthy learning environment throughout the 2021-2022 school year. Going forward, she sees that offering conversations with the community through Bagels with the Board and the Superintendent’s library office hours as ways to engage and listen.
“Communication is getting better. The district has a Public Information Officer who does a great job posting information on the website, on social media, and sending emails to the PPS community. We are continually looking at ways to ensure that staff, parents, students and community members are informed,” Kendal notes.
Margarita “Rita” Rafalovsky is running for her first term on the Board. She is the only candidate with children still in elementary school, with her youngest of two currently at Johnson Park Elementary. Rafalovsky is running for a seat because she aims to help ensure there is topnotch education at PPS, and she is concerned about where the district is headed.
“It seems strange to me that in a town like Princeton, our community and school leaders are not sensitive to the fact that PPS’s education rankings have been regressing for years (for example, 490th in 2022 from 94th in 2009 in U.S. News),” notes Rafalovsky. “While rankings are not the ‘final grade,’ they are indicative of overall perceived quality. It’s important to point out that our district’s precipitous decline in test scores, especially since 2014 occurred despite the fact that our town’s spend on education remains above most school systems in NJ and has continued to climb. On one hand, our district is admirably focused on improving equity, yet educational excellence – the greatest equalizer – has not been made explicit.”
A first-generation immigrant from the former Soviet Union, Rafalovsky was raised in NY/NJ public schools. She believes her accomplishments and experience can benefit Princeton schools.
“I worked hard to achieve my American Dream and want to protect that opportunity for future generations. I’ve worked in the financial sector and in consulting for 16+ years. I’m a data-driven person and I believe good governance requires reliable data and measurable goals,” Rafalovsky explains. “My personal journey, passion and professional background – in process re-engineering, building teams and new products – are valuable assets to the BOE and the PPS community at large.”
Lishian Lisa Wu is running for her first term on the Board and has previously vied for a seat on Princeton Council (2018) and as Mercer County Executive (2019). Wu moved to the United States from Taiwan in the mid-70s to attend UCLA, and later raised three children as a single mother. She did not respond to our request for information/comments.
The Mercer County Board of Commissioners, the legislative branch of county government, has four candidates vying for 2 open seats. The 7-member Board is currently comprised of all Democrats, each serving three-year terms. One incumbent is running for re-election, the other three candidates would be new to the Board. The part-time role is for a three-year term.
Board of County Commissioners Candidates: Michael Chianese (R), Andrew Kotula (R), Cathleen Lewis (D) and Nina Melker (D)
Michael Chianese is running for the second time to gain a seat on the Board of County Commissioners, hoping to add a conservative voice to county government.
“For over 2 decades the county has been under democratic rule, tax and spend with no transparency to the county residents,” Chianese states. “I cannot express enough for the residents to wake up and educate themselves with real facts of what this party now stands for. The nation is in serious trouble if the Democrats continue to be in the majority on so many fronts, immigration, spending, law and order and many other issues. Change starts at the local levels.”
Chianese believes Mercer County has not had fair and honest governance for 20 years and that his experience and desires to improve can make that happen.
“I have always advocated for the taxpayer and for honest and fair government,” Chianese adds. “I worked at high levels of management within state government for over 35 years. I handled large projects and managed large budgets. I was also the fire commissioner for Mercerville Firehouse for almost 3 years. I understand state, municipal and county organizations.”
Andrew Kotula is running for a second time to Board of Commissioners to provide a different perspective in the county government.
“I have always believed that the best ideas come from debate, and it is very difficult to have debate when everyone in the room already agrees. After 20 years, it is time for Mercer to bring Republicans back to the table and give them a voice,” explains Kotula. “The soaring cost of energy and food mean there is less money in the family budget, and we need a Commission that will consider these challenges to our Mercer County families and look for opportunities to reduce the county’s budget so that our county’s residents can keep more of their personal income.”
Kotula grew up in Middlesex County, NJ and has lived in Mercer County for 22 years. He feels his private sector experience would be an asset to the County Commissioners.
“For the last 16 years I have run my own learning center and have been responsible for setting and working within a budget,” expands Kotula. “As my company’s revenue decreased, I have been asked multiple times to reset and reevaluate my budgets. Having a reduced budget meant looking for areas of opportunity to cut costs that would have minimal impact on the quality of learning that I provided. I plan to bring these honed budgeting skills to the Board of Commissioners looking for opportunities to reduce costs and maintain and improve the quality of life or our residents.”
Cathleen Lewis is a first-time candidate for Board of Commissioners but is not new to local government. She has served on Lawrence Council for ten years (which included a two-year term as Mayor).
“I’m running to bring the same kind of thoughtful, progressive change to Mercer County that we have seen in Lawrence in the 10 years I’ve served on council. We have worked hard to create more sustainable programs, encourage small business growth and increase diversity throughout the township and in our government. We need to be doing the same thing on a county level,” Lewis describes.
Lewis is interested in sharing her past experiences with the county. She currently works on a team that is shaping Electric Vehicle Policy in New Jersey and hopes to further educate people about different choices when it comes to transportation, whether it’s EV, biking, walking or better public transportation. She is also interested in working to meet the needs of residents, through different communication channels, providing easier access to services and being more reachable.
“Partnerships and coalitions can improve services and save money. As a local elected official in Lawrence, I’ve spent the last decade building those relationships and understand the importance of working with our municipalities to better serve all our residents. I want to help encourage that type of collaboration at the county level,” Lewis explains.
Nina Melker is running to retain her seat on the Board of Commissioners. Currently serving as its Chair, she is running for her second full term (she took over a vacated seat in 2018) to help continue the Board’s work.
“I feel I have gained valuable insight and experience serving and helping the County navigate extraordinary circumstances through the pandemic,” Melker details. “As an incumbent, I bring experience in dealing with County business. The budget is the primary responsibility of the Commissioner Board and as a banker, I bring expertise in finance which is critical in the budget process.”
Melker is proud of the work she’s done to keep taxes down in Mercer County. If re-elected, she has three main goals going forward.
“A, making sure we can maintain a responsible budget practice and continue to keep Mercer affordable for all our residents; B, I want to continue expanding our green initiatives and sustainable environmental policies; C, increase collaboration with our municipalities; and D, continue advocating for everyone in our community,” Melker adds.
In 2022, there is one national race facing our area and that is for the U.S. House of Representatives. Mercer County municipalities are not all part of the same Congressional district. For example, Hamilton, Lawrence, East Windsor, Hightstown and Robbinsville have all become part of District 3 this year, which means those residents will be voting in the race between incumbent Andy Kim (D) and Republican challenger Bob Healy. Candidates Christopher Russomann (Libertarian) and Gregory M. Sobocinski (G-d Save America) are also vying for the seat. In Princeton, the District 12 seat has been held since 2015. Both races could help determine whether Democrats keep the House.
District 12 Congressional Candidates: Darius Mayfield (R), Bonnie Watson Coleman (D) and C. Lynn Genrich (Libertarian).
Darius Mayfield is running for his first term in Congress. Starting out in Section 8 Housing, Mayfield is proud of the success he’s earned, becoming the youngest sales manager at a top 25 Auto Group in the US by age 17, and in 2019, becoming the first black general manager of the U.S.’ third fastest growing auto group. He is running as a new voice in Congress, hoping to represent all people.
“My motto is ‘Not Black. Not White. American.’ I am for all people. I am for real unity, and I have lived real unity,” Mayfield shares. “I have Republicans, Democrats, and Unaffiliated working on my campaign. I have knocked doors and speak to all parties on a daily basis. My campaign signs maybe the first ever Republican politician signs in Trenton. We receive calls daily from Democrats wanting to know more and how they can also receive lawn signs. My platform includes issues like criminal justice reform which is typically not a Republican platform. My top issues are securing economic equality, education, and national security. These issues all work together to provide safe communities and a future to look forward to.”
With his goal of eliminating racial divides, Mayfield is a grassroots leader, who has refused to fund his campaign with donations from lobbyists and special interest groups.
“There will be a turnover in the house this year towards the Republican Party. Coleman will have no power in Congress. When I am elected, I can be a fair representation of the people,” says Mayfield. “I bring a business background and a history of representation of producing results and breaking records. I also have extensive negotiation skills and an energy that will always get the job done. I can work with all people and bring sensible common-sense solutions that work for our communities.”
Bonnie Watson Coleman is running for her fifth term in Congress, she previously served eight terms in the NJ State Assembly. The first black woman to represent NJ, Watson Coleman has focused her efforts on progressive values. Most recently she has supported student loan relief, an assault weapons ban, marriage equality and urged a review to declassify marijuana. She did not respond to our request for comments.
C. Lynn Genrich is in her first race for Congress. A resident of Allentown, we were unable to reach Genrich for information or comments. According to its website, the NJ Libertarian party states it is “for small government, less taxes, individual rights and free market solutions to our nation’s problems.”
It’s a lot to consider, but hopefully the information above will help by familiarizing you with the candidates before you vote in the coming month.
Before you know it, the elections will be over. Remember, your elected officials are here to serve you, regardless of what party they represent or what party you align with. Whether your chosen candidate wins the role or not, you can participate and voice your thoughts and concerns to whomever takes office.
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
The United States has always had its divisions within politics which, for the most part, didn’t influence people’s daily lives or conversations. Yet in recent years, like it or not, politics has become part of the fabric of how people live their lives, make decisions, talk and view others. The Democrats have their key issues, Republicans have theirs and some would argue that both sides have shifted to the point that moderates within the parties either no longer exist or are not strongly regarded. This has led to a growing number of people who, whether officially registered as such or not, describe themselves as Independents. For the purpose of this article, we’ll be using the terms Independent and Unaffiliated interchangeably, since ‘Unaffiliated’ has been the statewide registration classification since 2006.
New Jersey has a lot of voters that are not officially aligned with either of the major parties. Across the state, there is a narrow margin differentiating Unaffiliated from Democratic voters, with merely 2.2% more voters registered as Democrats vs. Unaffiliated (37.6 U, 38.9 D, 23.1% R). New Jersey’s District 16, which incorporates Princeton as well as municipalities from Hunterdon, Middlesex and Somerset Counties tips a little the other way, with more registered Unaffiliated voters than it has Democrats or Republicans (37.6 % are Unaffiliated voters). The gap then leans back towards the Democrats when you look at Mercer County alone, where 37.3% of voters classify as Unaffiliated vs. 45.5% Democrat.
“76% of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction that our country is going in—this is among people of all political persuasions (Independents weigh in at 77%). Nationally, more people consider themselves independent” explains Sue Davies, founder of New Jersey Independent Voters. “According to the August 2022 Gallup Poll, 43% of voters consider themselves independent. This, however, doesn’t mean that they are all registered as independents. In states like New Jersey that require voters to register in a party in order to vote in the primaries, many people are forced to join a party even if they don’t want to, but still identify as independents.”
In a town like Princeton, where recent municipal elections have only had Democratic candidates on the ballots, the need to choose a party to vote in primaries does make a difference. As of early October, 58% of voters in Princeton are registered Democrat, 32% are registered as Unaffiliated.
Another Gallup Poll from this summer also shows that 52% of Millennials consider themselves Independents, and that number is rising. A large number of Veterans tend to pledge allegiance to their country and not to a party, registering as Independents as well.
So, party affiliation gives us a hint at political alignment, but it doesn’t paint the full picture, as one Princeton voter recently confirmed, “I am registered as a Democrat (since they have the only contested primaries around here. On the Republican side, there is nothing to vote for in the primaries, and sometimes they don’t field a candidate at all). I believe I do qualify as an Independent voter based on my actual political views.”
Another fallout from the requirement of party affiliation to vote in primaries is that it if one wants to maintain an official Unaffiliated status on their voter registration, they are prevented from taking part in the decisions as to who will be on the general election ballots. This year’s primary saw only 12% of voters head to the polls in Mercer County.
Despite that lapse, the Independent voter has played a major role in the November polls for more than a decade.
“We decided the outcome of the last three presidential races. We swung by eight points for Obama, four points for Trump and 13 points for Biden. The media and pundits often talk about us as if we are just ‘leaners’. In their eyes, we’re either closet Republicans or closet Democrats, but we are neither. We need to change this narrative,” Davies contends.
The need to align with a party is not just something voters struggle with. Another Princetonian shares anonymously that he feels it affects the candidates as well.
“When one is running in Princeton, they have to choose a party, or they won’t get votes. It’s unfortunate you can’t just run as an independent and win, but the Democratic party in Princeton has been historically so strong, even if you feel the party has left you behind, you have no choice but to run as a Democrat. Who’s going to run as a Republican in Princeton? You’re dead on arrival.”
So, if the voters feel forced to choose a party and the candidates do as well, where does that leave the Independent voter? Their views, which often straddle the center, used to align more with one party or another. But the shift seen amongst both major parties now leaves voters often feeling left out or straddling both sides. Many Independents believe the Democratic party, has gone so far left that if you have a middle-ground thought you are considered far right rather than center. Similarly, they feel shunned from the Republican party if their views are more moderate.
“Being a 2-party country for the most part is really challenging because I mostly agree with mainstream Democrats, but the extremely liberal beliefs are hard for me to accept. And on the Republican side, there are a few conservative ideas that make sense, but the extremely conservative beliefs have me screaming for the hills,” shared Pamela Adler, a registered Unaffiliated voter in Princeton.” This is true on the local, state and federal level but it is not seen as much in local Princeton politics (in my opinion).”
With the general election less than one month away (even earlier if you take advantage of the Early Voting Period), how does an Independent voter vote? Whereas many voters that believe in a party’s beliefs will vote party line, that option doesn’t exist when you don’t have a party candidate to vote for. Therefore, Unaffiliated voters need to do a bit more homework before heading to the polls. Studying up on each candidate, their background and what they stand for (which can be found in this issue in Where Do I Vote, Who is Running and What Does Each Candidate Stand For?) can help a voter choose a candidate that sways more to their liking.
“For me, the candidate is more important than ever. It’s a tough choice because you support a candidate as you like a majority of their issues even if they’re going to caucus with a party whose platform you don’t fully agree with,” a Princeton voter shared anonymously. “If I do my homework and look at voting records, this is a lot to ask from a voter. But I think that’s why this election more than any in the past is tough for people that consider themselves Independent and straddle the center.”
Unaffiliated voters are now finding themselves voting for or against issues. Those in support of abortion rights may lean towards a Democratic candidate while those in favor of stricter border policies likely lean towards a Republican one. This can be further complicated when a candidate aligns with you on one major issue but against you on another.
“Ideally, people should vote for a candidate rather than against his or her opponent. But in a time when fringe ideas are drowning out majority opinions and performative virtue signaling is displacing pragmatic problem solving, I’d vote for anyone who is for stopping the runaway train of radicalism and bringing back the underrepresented common sense,” explains a Princeton Independent who preferred to go unnamed.
It used to be that labelling oneself an Independent simply meant that you were free to vote how you felt, which often that meant leaning towards one party at a certain moment in your life, and another party at another point. Princeton Independents have shared with Princeton Perspectives that they don’t feel that is the case anymore. Yes, they can secretly vote at the polls for one candidate versus another, but they’ve expressed that politics has become such a part of daily life that those aligned on either side of the aisle tend to judge them for their lack of party affiliation.
“I found myself in the middle, paralyzed, and most people I know want me to choose a side,” shared Rita Rafalovsky, who has decided to work against the divide by running for a local spot on the school board. “People nowadays cannot exist without being assigned a label, and for this reason I’ve grown to hate labels more than ever. If you don’t choose a label, people will assign a label to you, and that’s a real turn off for me. I am proudly without a label, supporting specific policies that I firmly believe are good for my family and my country.”
Besides running for office, there are other ways to push against the need to affiliate, for example fight for open primaries which do not require one to be aligned with a political party to vote. Open Primaries exist in some states and in more than 70 NJ municipalities their local elections are non-partisan. Some voters simply want the right to have their opinions and vote how they want without being judged. However, if you want the Independent voice to gain more strength, you can share your opinion with the national group of Independent Voters.
“Take our national survey. This is a way for independents to get our voices heard. We are just under 38% of the voters in the state and we need to begin to flex our political muscle, to demand that all voters have the right to vote without being forced into a political party,” Davies says. “We need to create a much more democratic system that places power in the hands of the people not the parties.”
Princeton voters that don’t want to choose a Democrat or Republican do have an option to vote for a Libertarian for Congress but, for 2022, it is expected that candidates aligned with the major parties will win. So will you choose to vote for or against an ideology, for or against an issue? Whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, Unaffiliated or aligned with a smaller party (as 0.6% of Princeton voters are), hopefully you can find your place this November and feel confident in your vote.
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
Every year, as September 11th approaches, I am reminded of living in New York City in 2001. I recall the horrors of concern, fear, grief and pain we all went through. I am also vibrantly reminded of the heroes that overcame the unthinkable, that put others before them, that dedicated all they had – some who survived and others who perished.
So, it seemed only fitting to focus our September issue on heroes, from centuries ago and now that have triumphed, excelled and put themselves out in ways that others maybe wouldn’t or couldn’t. In Hometown Heroes of Mercer County and Beyond, we are realizing the experiences of those from the greater Princeton area and recognizing their greatness in so many ways.
Each issue, we also seek to ensure that we’re updating you on stories we’ve covered in the past. You’ll find this in Perspectives Revisited at the bottom of the Homepage, and it always sheds light on something new. This month, read on to learn about new municipal rate hikes that might affect you as well as the latest on parking in Princeton.
Who is your hero? The word has slight nuances for each of us, though it always comes down to someone truly remarkable. This month we asked people around Princeton who they admire most and you can watch what they shared in our Pulse of Princeton video below.
It was hard, as a publication, for Princeton Perspectives to focus on only a sampling of local heroes, since there are so many throughout time, but with only four articles in the issue, that is what we had to do. Our hats do go off to each and every one of you that we were not able to highlight, you are appreciated and not forgotten.
Renewed focus and admiration was cast on our first responders when COVID-19 thrust them into harm’s way in a very public way. More often, what they do is not publicized, and what’s talked about even less is those that take on those roles without pay, as volunteers. The Local Heroes that Live to Keep us Safe Everyday shares a Q&A with one of Princeton’s long-time volunteer firefighters.
Even before Princeton had a fire company, there were people living here or passing through that had great strengths and abilities. Princeton’s Historical Heroes and Their Impact on Our Lives shares the stories of some of those that made remarkable contributions in politics, social action and inventive ways.
While some choose to embark on a heroic journey, others are forced into it. Fighting for Life – The Heroic Role You Never Wanted sheds light on some heroines who had to dig deep, fight hard and find a greatness they didn’t know they had in order to survive breast cancer.
Learning about heroes gives us all an opportunity to reflect a little and recognize the power that lives within each of us to do and be the best version of ourselves. Part of that means taking on the responsibilities granted to you and helping to guide people in the right direction.
As always, Princeton Perspectives will devote our October issue to helping you be as educated as possible about all of the candidates you will find on the November ballot, so that you can head to the polls and take part in guiding the future of America, New Jersey and Princeton.
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
A hero can be thought of in many ways. It can be a character created in movies, that saves the day; a person that shows incredible courage under difficult circumstances; or, as Meriam-Webster adds, a hero can also be “a person admired for achievements and noble qualities.”
It is not hard to look back in history and see the blood, sweat and tears that many gave for us to be where we are today. One did not have to sacrifice their life (though some did), but also the sacrifice of time, mental and physical energy to move society or people ahead. Though the passage of time may have unraveled controversies surrounding the legacy of some, we’re mentioning these historical heroes for the positive contributions they made in their day.
Princeton, one of the oldest towns in New Jersey, has been the birthplace, the passing through place, the forever in death place for many such people. And the minds and strong people that have lived in or spent time here are amongst some of the greatest contributors to our American life and the world over.
Historical Society of Princeton
Princeton’s first settler came in 1683, but shortly after, in the early 1700s Richard Stockton gave land to his sons, which expanded its borders. Stockton, whose father founded The College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) was born, attended college and later died in Princeton. The home he built, Morven, became home to many NJ governors and is now a museum. He is one of several who is remembered for his role in creating the United States.
Stockton suffered for his efforts, being imprisoned and starved by the British for signing the Declaration of Independence, the first to do so. He was a practicing lawyer and appointed Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court who got involved in the revolutionary fight for freedom from the British. But he was not the only Princetonian who helped seek America’s independence. He was instrumental in bringing John Witherspoon to the United States to become head of the college, which led to his important roles in the founding of the country.
Witherspoon, a Scottish-born Presbyterian clergyman, was the only clergy or college president to sign the Declaration of Independence. He is credited with transforming the college, both financially and academically. Buried alongside other Presidents at Princeton Cemetery, Witherspoon was commemorated for years with his name on the middle school in town. His name was removed in 2020, due to controversy surrounding his connection to slavery.
Joseph Hewes, not as famous as some of the other signers of the Declaration of Independence, was also born in Princeton. He became a merchant, an expert in shipping and soon applied his maritime knowledge to help the cause and oversaw the creation of the first naval warships.
While those who were the early leaders in American government are known and therefore easily remembered, when we think of historical heroes there are others whose contributions during the Revolution must also be acknowledged.
“The well-known heroes of the past represent the very tip of the iceberg of heroic people who contributed to the success of our country. While Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Governor William Livingston, and other political leaders who lived or spent time in Princeton during the war are well-known, many non-political people of Princeton at that time also qualify as heroes,” explains William (Larry) Kidder, history teacher and author. “They served in the militia and the Continental Army, and a number helped the military supply departments maintain Washington’s army that spent most of the war in New Jersey. These ordinary people of Princeton played a variety of important roles while their lives were touched by the Revolution every day, often in very devastating ways. They included a number of enslaved people who found ways to achieve freedom for themselves or others and earned high respect for their ability and courage. Without all these people, the critical ideas promoted by the famous political heroes would be lost.”
Though names may not all be written in our history books, their heroic contributions are being recognized. In his book, Revolutionary Princeton, Kidder shares their stories. Thomas Clarke, for example, who lived with his sister in their home at the back of what became Princeton Battlefield, was a Quaker farmer who woke one day to find his life forever changed as his home turned into a hospital to help the wounded from the Battle of Princeton.
With the forming of the United States came people who rose to high levels of its leadership, three of which have a major Princeton connection. Thanks to the success of Hamilton on Broadway, it’s hard to think of the Revolution without recalling the role of Aaron Burr (and the famous duel in which he killed Alexander Hamilton).
His father, Aaron Burr, Sr., was the second President of The College of New Jersey where junior would later find himself a student of theology. He went on to study law, and after the Revolution, that helped him rise through the ranks. He ultimately became a U.S. Senator and made two attempts to win the Presidency. In his second try, in 1800, he tied with Thomas Jefferson in electoral votes but, in deciding the tie, the House of Representatives chose Jefferson as President and Burr as Vice President. Burr is buried at Princeton Cemetery.
Also buried there is Grover Cleveland, the 22nd and 24th President of the United States, known best for utilizing his executive power to control wasteful legislative measures. To date, he remains the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms, as well as the only President married in the White House. After his final term, he spent his retirement years at his home on Hodge Road in Princeton where he later died.
Several years later, Woodrow Wilson would lead the United States into World War I as the 28th President of the United States. His tenure saw major advancements, with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote, and as a supporter of the League of Nations, for which he won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1919. A graduate of what is now Princeton University (PU), he later returned to become faculty and then its President. He was seen as a great leader in many ways, but in 2020 an evaluation of Wilson’s segregation policies caused Princeton University to remove his name from its School of Public and International Affairs and Wilson College.
To be a heroic leader, one didn’t have to be in political power. Several people from Princeton can be credited with standing up for what they believed and changing the course of the future for those to come.
“Our Center’s namesake, Bayard Rustin—a gay black man intentionally excised from the historical record of the Civil Rights Movement—reminds us of how essential it is for our social movements to lift up the vital contributions of individual activists without whom societal change would have remained impossible,” shares Alia Shinbrough, Minister for Queer Liberation at the Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice, a community activist center in Princeton which advocates for marginalized or underserved people. “The history of social activism is not just some far-off events that happened to some very special people; history is so often made locally—by ordinary people with extraordinary courage—and it’s our collective responsibility to learn from these stories to guide our work today to co-create better futures with more justice and full inclusion for our interwoven communities.”
The Gordon Parks Foundation
One such ordinary person with extraordinary talents and courage was Paul Robeson. You might recognize his name today because you drive down his namesake street across town, but do you know why a street has been named for him? It’s because the Princeton-born, extremely talented musician, actor, athlete and lawyer broke racial barriers and became a political activist who fought for civil rights. Investigated under McCarthy for his unwavering criticism of American policies, his career was sidelined for many years, but he will forever be remembered with buildings, plaques, an historical landmark and more marking his contributions both artistically and as a Black leader.
Rutgers Law
Having the courage to speak up and stand up, like Robeson did, is heroic in many ways because you are fighting a constant battle for a cause not everyone believes in. Nadine Taub did just this back in the 1970s, when the Princeton-born Rutgers law professor focused on women’s rights in a way no one had before her. Taub created the Women’s Rights Law Reporter and started Rutgers’ Women’s Rights Litigation Clinic, both the first of their kind focused on women’s legal rights.
Me too, you say? To most, this movement became universally known in 2017, but in reality, it was started decades ago when Taub won the first sexual harassment case in the United States in 1977, by proving in court that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was violated by the act of a boss’ sexual harassment of her client. Taub passed away just two years ago.
Daniel Pearl Foundation
Also laid to rest before his time was Daniel Pearl, TheWall Street Journal reporter who was brutally murdered in 2002 after going missing in Pakistan. Accused of being a spy by his kidnappers, Pearl was a journalist who sought to uncover details about alleged terrorists such as “shoe-bomber” Richard Reid and possibly 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Also born in Princeton, Pearl spent his final years as the paper’s South Asia Bureau Chief living in Bombay. Upon his death many have continued to pursue his desire for cultural understanding.
Though they often don’t encounter the danger of those cited above, inventors and visionaries must be recognized for their heroic works that forever changed the way we see and do things. Like anyone who creates or discovers something new, there are trials, tribulations, naysayers and failures to overcome.
Most well-known for his time living in Princeton is one of the most famous scientists in the world, Albert Einstein. You know, the Theory of Relativity, E=mc2 and Pi? Einstein first came to Princeton to join Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), but also contributed his thoughts at Princeton University. He lived here until his final days when he passed away at Princeton hospital, though the home he lived is still standing on Mercer Road. He left behind contributions in scientific and mathematical theories and ideas that would be used to this day. His Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 was an indicator of his gifts.
Einstein is one of many that lived in Princeton and earned high-level accolades for his advancements and contributions. Located in town, IAS is a gathering place for some of the world’s greatest thinkers and calls 35 Nobel Laureates, 44 of the 62 Fields Medalists, and 22 of the 25 Abel Prize Laureates amongst its faculty and members.
“The Institute’s home in Princeton, NJ was strategically chosen by founding Director Abraham Flexner, who realized the value of convening great minds and removing barriers to collaboration. From its establishment in 1930, IAS has cultivated, with Princeton University, a lasting dialogue and countless research endeavors among scholars that have propelled human knowledge in both the sciences and humanities,” details Lee Sandberg, IAS Communications and Public Relations Manager. “Dedicated to the pursuit of fundamental knowledge, IAS research has resulted in various applications that impact our daily lives, from the digital architecture of smartphones to weather forecasting. But perhaps the greatest contribution of IAS remains its ability to accelerate research and the many possibilities that await.”
Institute for Advanced Study
One such contributor to the sciences was John Bahcall, on the faculty of IAS for 34 years and visiting professor at PU. The National Medal of Science winner was an astrophysicist that changed the way people view the universe through his design and advocating for the Hubble Space Telescope. He also was instrumental in gaining an understanding of how the sun works. His time living in Princeton made significant contributions for future explorers and scientists to utilize.
The Nobel Prize
PU also draws other great thought leaders to the town. The famous mathematician John Nash, who gained wide popularity after the release of the movie A Beautiful Mind, first came to PU as a doctoral student. He later returned as a senior research mathematician and won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994 and the Abel Prize in 2015. In all, it appears that 50 Nobel laureates, 13 Field medalists and 10 Abel prize laureates were members of the PU faculty or staff. In addition, 20 Nobel laureates, four Fields medalists and five Abel prize laurates cite a degree from Princeton but won later in life.
Beyond academics, the Princeton area has been home to other great scientific advancements. There are many who contributed to the invention of color television, but it is believed that David Sarnoff was responsible for bringing together the scientists at Radio Corporation of America (RCA, which later became Sarnoff Corporation) who were responsible for introducing the first electronic monochrome television system in 1939 and later the world’s first electronic color television system in 1946. The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) was also created there in the 1960s, still used in a broad array of technology from phones to watches and of course, TVs. These advances all took place on the campus that sits in West Windsor (with a Princeton address) just across Route 1 at what is now SRI International.
As Meriam-Webster states “a person admired for achievements and noble qualities” is a hero, and therefore these men and women must be admired for their heroic efforts, many of which created the world we know today and majorly contributed to the knowledge, understanding and advancements we’ve come to have.
The capital of the United States for a short time, Princeton proved its importance in the United States. Then and ever since, the historical heroes mentioned here and the many others that contributed to society, continue the impress us with their strength, genius and foresight. We are all better off for them having lived here, even if for a short time.
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. – Christopher Reeve
When one hears the words “You’ve got cancer” there are two options. You can give up or you can fight. One will never know who Reeve had in mind when he defined his hero, but it surely applies here. The fight against cancer could be ugly, traumatic, painful, long and burdensome, but finding the strength to take it on is truly heroic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 264,000 women and 2,400 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. In New Jersey, the Department of Health has declared breast cancer to be the second-most commonly diagnosed form of the disease, with around 7,350 women diagnosed annually.
“For someone with breast cancer, it’s a forever diagnosis. Even if there’s a woman diagnosed early stage then they have no signs of disease for 5-10 years, it’s not something you get over,” explains Melissa White-McMahon, Director of the Breast Cancer Resource Center (BCRC) in Princeton. “You’re physically changing with breast cancer surgeries in ways other cancers don’t. It affects intimacy, relationships, your body dysmorphia. It traumatizes a person, and they live with it their entire life, whether an emotional or physical reminder.”
Michele Schwartz was just 37 when she found lumps in her breast in 2018. She was in the early years of starting a family with 7-month and four-year old sons, and the doctor initially tried to brush off her claims as an infection from dried up milk. But Michele knew something was really wrong, with the itching, redness and swelling she was feeling.
“I spoke up. I said I have 2 babies at home, I want scans. He said, let’s not jump to any conclusions. I said no, I’m not leaving here until I have a script for scans,” Schwartz recalls.
Her strong self-advocacy has saved her life, as after a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy, Michele was informed she was positive for breast cancer.
“I was diagnosed with stage 3B. I received 16 rounds of chemotherapy – 4 every other week of AC (a combination of two chemotherapy drugs), 12 of Taxol every week. I started January 16, 2019 and ended May 26thof that year. Then, 4 weeks later, I had a double mastectomy. I did have immediate reconstruction with expanders, but a week later I ended up with an infection,” Schwartz details. “I had to learn to change my thought process somehow, and said no, I’m not going to give into this, I’m going to make it my mission to parent my kids and get through this and know I’m going to get to the other side.”
And with her heroic vision, she has. Nearly four years later, she is still working on her recovery, as the infection led to another surgery, 28 rounds of proton radiation, an oophorectomy (removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes) and further procedures of fat grafting and more to help with the skin and shape of her chest area. She’s still got more work to do but has put a hold on any more surgeries for now.
With a supportive husband, family and friends, Michele was able to ensure her kids were fed and cared for and she found the strength to push on. She also found speaking out and reaching out to be irreplaceable.
“I’m a writer, I blogged throughout my entire journey, and I used that as an outlet for myself. Because I posted all the time, people could just go and read then they’d know what I needed and how to support me,” Schwartz shares. She also found a lot of encouragement and strength when she connected with young moms at the BCRC (Breast Cancer Resource Center). “When you hear the words breast cancer, no one wants to hear that. But there’s a difference with a 60-year-old, it’s more common, their kids are grown. Whereas someone my age, I have kids, a husband, I was a teacher on maternity leave ready to go back to work. Everyone from my life is moving on and I’m going home from chemo to sleep for a few days. I needed to find people who understood and could relate. We have a young survivors’ group. I was able to connect with women my age, who had kids. I always say connection is the biggest piece to be able to push through and find that hope you need.”
Finding hope is at the basis of being able to survive. And sometimes, when you feel that everything is working against you, it’s a hard thing to find. But Barbara Arndt, is a survivor many times over. Seven years ago, four months after discovering a lump on her breast, she was told she had positive cancer cells in her breast and lymph nodes.
“I was diagnosed, triple positive, that’s one of the super aggressive forms. I had to have chemotherapy first. The chemo put me in the hospital twice. I basically slept all the time,” Arndt recollects. “Fortunately, I had a live-in boyfriend who helped care for my 7-year-old son at the time. I’ve come to realize, I’ve always been the person who shows up for everyone, when I had cancer and I was bedridden, I don’t know if people were uncomfortable but very few people showed up for me. That was the beginning of the worst 7 years of my life.”
Arndt’s situation was further complicated by her previous experiences in the military. At age 18, in 1992, she enlisted and went through Military Occupational Specialty school at Camp Lejeune (a site known to have had contaminated water, which may have caused her cancer) where she was sexually assaulted and, on her next assignment, was later verbally abused by senior officers about her body. These experiences proved to worsen what was already a terrible encounter with breast cancer.
“I didn’t know it at the time, but when you are a sexual assault survivor and you have cancer of a sex organ, it can complicate the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms you already have. It kicks up feelings of feeling less-than when having a double mastectomy. Like there’s something inherently wrong with my sex organs.”
Unlike Schwartz, Arndt didn’t have the support of family and friends. She’d always had a good job, with health insurance and savings, but when her money and insurance ran out, she found herself struggling and then homeless. That’s when she went to Veterans Affairs (VA) and got a little help. They diagnosed her with PTSD three years ago, but she was recently told she also has a traumatic brain injury (possibly from the chemo) and still deals with other repercussions from the cancer because, she claims, many at the VA don’t understand women’s health.
“I’ve been complaining about this massive nerve pain I get down my underarm, they never took it seriously. I have an expander in, that is completely crushed and flat. I went to the emergency room 2 years ago when it imploded at the VA and they didn’t know what to do with me.”
Despite the hardships Arndt had and is still going through, she has only recently been able to recognize the hero inside her, how strong she’s had to be to get through it all. She’s opted to try and pay that forward by posing for photographs that exemplify the beauty of a woman that has had her body changed due to breast cancer. Most recently, Arndt posed for The Athena Division of the Grace Project, a photographer’s collection of images of breast cancer survivors focusing on veterans. An exhibition of the photos is taking place later this month at The Military Women’s Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. She’d previously posed for other similar opportunities, such as with the I’m Not Invisible Campaign for Women Veterans.
“When I finally got the picture, at first, I hated it. Then over a couple of months I was able to look at the picture and recognize it for a moment of strength and determination in an otherwise really crappy experience. Now it’s sitting on my fridge door, I look at it and even though I don’t feel like I can do something, I show up and do it,” Arndt exclaims. “For the longest time I looked at being female as a deterrent to my life and I’m starting to realize now there’s a lot of power in that. The (Grace Project) photo shoot is a place of showing I still have value, I’m still part of this world. My experience changed me, but it did not diminish me.”
Like Schwartz, Arndt still has some surgeries left and she needs resources to continue to get through. She has now also been connected to the BCRC for programs and support. In fact, about 900 women (and some men) are currently leaning on BCRC whether it’s for the Healing Arts course, financial help resources, transportation assistance, healthy eating programs and more.
Schwartz found such an immense connection and help from the BCRC that, once healthy enough, she opted not to return to the elementary school classroom and is working with adults as the BCRC program and outreach coordinator doing breast education and helping people through diagnosis, treatment and beyond.
“I love that I get to help others. I have the support at my fingertips, and I work with staff who understand that I sometimes have impairments and have to make modifications,” explains Schwartz, who has also become an outspoken advocate and ambassador for helping people become aware that remaining flat is an acceptable option. “I love that I can help others with everything and walk them through it if they need and provide everything I was given.”
BCRC is a program of the YWCA Princeton. It has 2 fulltime and one part-time employee, all three of whom are cancer survivors (two from breast cancer, one from uterine cancer). Celebrating its 50th year, it began as Encore and has grown in programming and outreach, servicing the central New Jersey area, most often Mercer County residents.
“What we’ve always offered is support for women and their families diagnosed with breast cancer, at time of diagnosis, going through treatment, then beyond. Once past treatment, we continue to provide resources and programs for them,” White-McMahon shares, acknowledging that financial, emotional and other physical traumas can add to the situation. “We try to remove those barriers for these women going through a hard time.”
Places like the Breast Cancer Resource Center do a great job of helping people to find the hero inside them, as it is not always easy. But, as Reeve once stated, finding “the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles,” is truly heroic – and it is at the core of those who fight against and all who survive breast cancer.
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
The sight of men and women begging for spare change at the border of Lawrence and West Windsor is a sign of today’s times. Inflation slowed in July, showing it’s now only up 8.5% for the year, versus the 9.1% peak we saw in June. That’s supposedly good news, but we’re still hovering at a 4-decade high inflation. Though gas prices have slightly decreased, high prices on consumer goods and services are having an impact on everyone’s lives. And it’s keeping money on everyone’s minds.
So, that’s what we’re talking about in the latest issue of Princeton Perspectives,Inflation’s Effects on the Princeton Area and How to Counter Them. Some locals luckily don’t have to change their ways, while others are unfortunately having to decide what they can live without.
In this month’s Pulse of Princeton, we asked people around Princeton how inflation is affecting their lives. Click on the video link below to see what it’s like for those around you.
Anyone with a car has noticed the effects at the pump, as prices soared up to around $5 this summer. For most, gas is not something one can live without, as we’re all so accustomed to driving everywhere. In Record-High Fuel Costs Benefit the Big Guys and Hurt Local Owners and Consumers we share with you the realities of what it’s like in the Princeton area today.
If you’re seeking to leave Mercer County but are finding transportation costs and the rise of other travel amenities to be unsurmountable, help is here. Our contributing writer, a long-time travel agent, offers suggestions for amazing vacations within driving distance or an easy flight in Traveling from Princeton Doesn’t Have to Stop, Suggestions to Vacation Near Home.
For some, you’ve already taken your family trip, or you aren’t able to get away for one, yet you still want to enjoy the rest of summer. Tips & Tidbits to Help You Enjoy NJ Despite the Current Economytells the stories of some locals and their trials with today’s economy, while offering suggestions for food, outings and more at low cost or free this summer.
The fallout from the pandemic and high inflation is causing some to realize that you simply don’t have a handle on your personal finances. With baby steps and determination, you can learn how to manage your money to plan better for the future. Inflation is Here – Steps to Help You Get Through is written by those working in the business of personal finance education, a must-read to help you feel on steady ground.
In previous issues of Princeton Perspectives, we’ve shared with you information about technology being used as a tool to share history and the ways businesses turned to outdoor dining to get through the pandemic. Perspectives Revisited shares updated information about what the Mercer County Clerk’s office is doing to ensure you can access needed documents and the new legislation Gov. Murphy passed about outdoor dining. Read on to learn more!
As always, summer seems to be flying by, but there’s still some time left before the season ends and the school year begins. We hope the articles in our August issue help you understand our area a bit more and enjoy your time, despite the economy.
Please let us know if there are stories you want to hear about, or if you have a tip on something we should investigate…and share this issue with a friend! We appreciate your help to ensure that all people in the Princeton area are reading Princeton Perspectives!
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
Lisa Jacknow spent years working in national and local news in and around New York City before moving to Princeton. Working as both a TV producer and news reporter, Lisa came to this area to focus on the local news of Mercer County at WZBN-TV. In recent years, she got immersed in the Princeton community by serving leadership roles at local schools in addition to volunteering for other local non-profits. In her free time, Lisa loves to spend time with her family, play tennis, sing and play the piano. A graduate of the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, Lisa was raised just north of Boston, Massachusetts but has lived in the tri-state area since college. She is excited to be Editor and head writer for Princeton Perspectives!
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