Editor’s Note

Princeton is a unique town in many ways. Built more like a small city, it has culture, shopping, restaurants, multiple world-renowned educational institutions and such a vast historic landscape. On nearly every corner you can find something to learn about Princeton’s past.

There is so much you likely pass by on any given day without knowing its historical significance. For example, did you know the building that is currently home to Hamilton Jewelers was once one of Princeton University’s first dormitories? Or that the concrete clam shell-shaped fixture on the other side of Nassau Street was a drinking trough for horses in the 1800s? Have you realized the Clarke House as you see it from Mercer Street across the Princeton Battlefield is actually the back of the home (the front faces towards the woods)?

In this month’s issue of Princeton Perspectives, we aim to explain to you some of the historical significance of our quaint town. Everyone’s interests vary, some are keen to learn about the people, some about the land, others about the sites and buildings. What are your favorite historical aspects of Princeton? Now that the pandemic is lifting, we were able to walk around town and ask some of the locals on the street. Watch the Pulse of Princeton to see what they have to share.

How about all of the monuments, large and small, that you walk and drive by…do you know what they’re for? In Princeton Made its Mark in the Revolutionary War we share where you can find them and what they are meant to represent. It is amazing to follow, literally, in the steps of Revolutionaries. And these markers will take you for a ride!

Often when you’re traveling around town, you are likely thinking ahead to your destination – your favorite restaurant in town or park to play in. These establishments and facilities make this a town we all want to be in. So, How Did Princeton Become the Town We Love Today? This article takes us back to the beginnings and explains what came about and when, and how it all developed into the Princeton we know today.

It was the Quakers that first began developing the land. One Historic Family Develops Along the Stony Brook details the homes of the prominent Clarke family, some of which you can still drive by or visit today.

And if you can’t get out and see the history in person, you can learn about it online. The world wide web and so much more advanced technology did not exist during the Revolution or the lives of the Clarkes, so what does it mean for learning and sharing history today. Does Technology Share or Shape History? takes a look at how it affects what we know.

And our Perspectives Revisited takes a look back at stories we’ve run in the past. Read on to find out the latest about COVID in our area and how the Pandemic Pet craze has puttered out.

It’s been a long, hot summer but we hope you are enjoying being together once again. Princeton Perspectives is glad to bring you the stories that matter. If there’s something you’d like us to write about, please click here and share your ideas.

Our town has so much going on, and there are a lot of changes on the horizon. We’ll be taking a closer look at these changes and detail them for you next month. Until then, stay cool!

Pulse of Princeton: What’s your favorite historical fact about our town?

We asked people around town to share what their favorite bits of Princeton history are. Watch the video, you might learn something new!

Princeton Made its Mark in the Revolutionary War

The week of July 4th, firework displays in Lawrenceville, Hamilton, and Mercer County Park entertained us locally. Chances are as you drove to your destination, you passed obelisks and monuments on the sides of the road that you’ve passed a thousand times, but never really took time to discover what historic events they commemorate. And as the fireworks burst in celebration of the independence of our United States, you were likely more focused on who you were with and who brought the desserts than on what took place in history to allow you to gather together at all.

The marking of Independence Day is of major significance, for in July 1776 our forefathers declared the original 13 colonies independent from British sovereignty. But that alone did not lead us to freedom, as the crown did not accept this decree. Fighting continued and six months later, about to give up at the end of 1776, George Washington and his troops instead fought on.

“After numerous defeats at the hands of the British throughout New York, turning into a dire retreat through New Jersey and across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania, the Continental Army was on the verge of collapse due to illness, desertion, poor morale, and ending enlistments,” shares Michael Russell, Princeton Battlefield Society President. “The confidence and leadership of George Washington, in the face of every possible man-made and natural obstacle, rallied his men to not only go on the offensive and take Trenton from the Hessians and then stand toe-to-toe with the British at Assunpink Creek, but also gave them the fortitude and willingness to reenlist and continue fighting for the burgeoning freedom of the new thirteen states.”

According to a 1777 diary found from militiaman Ephraim Anderson the troops marched from Mill Hill to the brook to take the Quaker road to get from Trenton to Princeton. This path took them to what became known as the Battle of Princeton on January 3, 1777. A battle that, in conjunction with the two Trenton battles just before it, turned the revolution in our favor.

“Strategically, winning in Princeton secured New Jersey in the hands of the Americans and denied the British the ability to ever regain a foothold in the state throughout the war. The British had to change their entire approach to the war after the Americans left Princeton for the higher ground of Morristown and the Watchung Mountains,” notes Russell.

Though not as prominent as the victories at Saratoga and Williamsburg, the Battle of Princeton remains an historically pivotal moment that kept us battling for freedom. To connect us to our past and remind us to embrace our future, those obelisks, monuments and other signage you may have blindly driven by have been strategically placed all around our town and county to ensure we know of the risks and efforts that were taken in these battles nearly 250 years ago.

“Many towns and locations find an immense amount of pride in detailing the historic events which occurred in their town, county, etc. These can range from events of some historic importance (i.e., skirmishes, meetings, etc.) to the mundane (Washington’s spring outside of the battlefield – Washington’s troops stopped to drink here). These markers commemorate historic moments no matter how small,” explains Will Krakower, Resource Interpretive Specialist for The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Parks and Forestry. “The ground we walk every day, every walk in the park, every stroll down Nassau, every drive to work, rests on ground which our ancestors walked, and in some cases fought and died, for their right to live a good life – a free life.”

To mark this freedom and the 18-mile route the troops took to the Princeton Battlefield from Trenton, obelisks were placed in 1914 by the Sons of the Revolution. They used a collection of diaries, including that of Anderson’s, to map out the approximate route.

If you’re up for a fun scavenger hunt of sorts, you could set out this summer to march in the steps of the soldiers and find all twelve obelisks marking the Trenton-Princeton route:

“Keeping in mind there weren’t really roads back in 1777 along that route as we know what roads are today. Essentially, they were cutting through a lot of farmland,” details Roger Williams, historian for the NJ Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and co-founder of tencrucialdays.org. “They’re placed in weird places, in the middle of things. If you draw a straight line from the ones that are on Hamilton Avenue down through to the ones in front of Steinert High School and through the VFW post and all the way to the one on Quakerbridge Road, that gives you what we think the route was.”

In fact, Williams contends the obelisk at Quakerbridge Road and Nassau Park Boulevard was placed on the median rather than in the middle of what was then an adjacent farm field, where the troops actually marched, to ensure people would see it.

“The troops marched through what is now Home Depot, through Home Goods and through Dicks Sporting Goods,” he explains. Williams is in discussions to move the obelisk to correctly stand in the path of the march, in front of Dicks Sporting Goods.

Back in 1777, as the soldiers made their way beyond what is now the Institute Woods, they found themselves on a farm we today call the Princeton Battlefield, which became host to the infamous Battle of Princeton. Though so much surrounding the area is different today, there are three structures in Princeton that stand to connect us to that battle.

The Thomas Clarke House and Mercer Oak are symbolically used to represent the Battle of Princeton,” Russell explains. “The Thomas Clarke House is the only remaining structure to eyewitness the battle and characterizes the peaceful Quaker farmland that was shattered by conflict and violence on January 3, 1777. The Mercer Oak embodies the life and sacrifice of General Hugh Mercer who was critically wounded and fell on the field, dying nine days later in the Thomas Clarke House.”

After fighting on this battlefield, the troops made their way north and continued fighting in front of Nassau Hall. If you look closely, you can see marks on the building today, scars from the battle. (If you can find where Nassau Hall was struck, send your pictures to our Editor!).

The Princeton area is also home to many other markers and monuments to the Revolutionary War, including as the site of the first of 13 markers to the battle march that Russell previously mentioned from Princeton to higher ground in Morristown. In front of Aaron Burr Hall at Nassau Street and Washington Road you can find the first, from which the troops continued north into Kingston, marked at the Kingston Presbyterian Church Cemetery at Main and Church Streets. Nearby, there is a third marker in Griggstown at Canal Road near Copper Mine Road. And as the march continued through Somerville, Bedminster, Bernardsville, Basking Ridge, Harding Township and onto Morris Township, the other markers make note.

The decision not to march to New Brunswick but instead to march to Morristown was actually made in Kingston, as the troops were moving north from Princeton. Historians think of this moment as the end of the Battle of Princeton, and it is commemorated with a marker there.

“On the northern bank of the Millstone River, Washington and his commanders had a council-of-war on horseback,” shares Williams. “These guys were getting out of town as fast as they could before the British could catch up with them, and they made the decision there.”

Mercer County is actually ranked as 11th of the top 15 counties in America with the most historic markers. If you want to find out where they all are, you can look online at sites like Revolutionary War New Jersey or The Historical Marker Database. If you are nearby the Princeton Battlefield, you can cross Mercer Street and make your way towards the historic columns at the back of the field. Walk just past them and to the right, you will see on the ground another marker, this one a memorial to 36 soldiers that died at the Battle of Princeton.

If you leave that area and continue towards what is today the former Princeton Boro municipal building, it’s hard to miss the large Princeton Battle Monument depicting Washington leading his troops that was put there in 1922. Several yards away are also several smaller markers commemorating the revolution, and people like Colonel John Haslet, a commander from Delaware that was killed at the Battle of Princeton.

The Revolutionary War lasted until 1783, and Princeton would continue to be a thoroughfare for passage, as a major hospital area and with many supplies manufactured nearby in Trenton. In fact, Washington’s travels back south in 1781 are commemorated with a marker placed by the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1981 as part of the Washington-Rochambeau Trail.

“In 1781, when the French and Americans marched to Yorktown, they converged at Princeton,” recollects Williams. “The French marched south on Rt. 206 from Somerville and the Americans marched south on Rt. 27 and they actually met in late August at Princeton. They encamped on what is today grounds of Trinity Church and Morven. You had 7,000 troops who just camped there for 2 nights before they headed further south.”

Two years later, Washington would return one final time to Kingston, to a home that is now located at Rockingham State Historic Site. In August 1783, he was called back to Princeton and leased this home nearby for 2 ½ months. It was there he wrote his farewell orders, officially retiring from military service at the end of October, just before the Treaty of Paris was signed and ended the Revolutionary War.

In 2026, the 250th Semiquincentennial will be celebrated honoring the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It’s planning comes at a time when much is being questioned about civil rights and the founding of our country. But the history of grit and resilience teaches us where we came from, and the buildings and markers help to ensure that we know what took place, to interpret how we wish.

“Through the lens of the 18th century citizen and soldier, the conditions of life and warfare were very different from what we deal with today. The obelisks and monuments help us consider the commitments and beliefs of our ancestors, all from a present-day perspective,” explains Russell.

If you are interested in learning more about the history and the markers in our area, you can learn more about car and bus tours here or to get a tour at Princeton Battlefield click here.

Does Technology Share or Shape History?

In Princeton, we are lucky to be able to stand in front of the home where Albert Einstein spent his final years, touch the gravestone of Aaron Burr or walk along the battlefield where soldiers fought during the Revolutionary War. Now imagine if Albert Einstein had Tweeted out his Theory of Relativity, if Aaron Burr shared the infamous duel on Facebook Live or if George Washington posted his troops on SnapChat preparing to attack the British? My, how history may have been affected.

While there is so much here for us to touch and see, when it comes to learning, teaching and sharing it, technology is a tool that opens up opportunities in terms of who you can reach, how you can reach them and what you can share. This can be both an amazing tool for studying history, or a cautionary means to reshape it.

We shared with you in our January article Expanding Your Potential about the growing selection of online courses being offered. Princeton University Professor Jeremy Adelman not only took his world and global history class online but took the opportunities technology offers to take it one step further. His class has been taught online via EdX for several years now and he recently partnered with the University of Geneva and UNHCR, so his “classroom” takes place in Princeton, Geneva and at refugee camps in Kenya and Jordan all at the same time.

“They are fully integrated. They want to learn. They also have a LOT to teach us about globalization and its complexities,” Professor Adelman offers, with regards to his students in Kenya.

Adelman is often amazed by how many people he can reach thanks to technology, and the worldwide interest in the historic lessons he teaches. It invites such varied people to the table.

Courtesy Princeton University

“Part of what we learn together is how to talk across our differences. But that is a challenge compared to the relatively homogeneous world of the walled classroom. When you introduce the world’s fractures into a course, they are more evident – and you have to explain them,” Adelman contends.

While it certainly is more challenging to teach to a variety of groups at once, taking that trip back in time together and sharing the different perspectives about it can certainly enhance any lesson.

Local historic organizations, such as Historical Society of Princeton (HSP), had relied on in-person gatherings to share most of its information, though digital and virtual opportunities were evolving. Physical photographs, diaries and collections of historic items have allowed them to inform us about important people and moments from the past. Imagine if those photographs had been taken with digital cameras or if the diaries had been kept online? The knowledge would’ve spread sooner and it’d all be so much easier to share. In 2021, digitizing and online usage has become more commonplace (in fact, more than 500 images of manuscript collections have been added to the HSP digital database this past year) and thanks to more recent technology like Zoom, HSP is now host to worldwide gatherings for learning as well.

“COVID really provided us the push we needed to dive in,” shares Izzy Kasdin, Executive Director of HSP, whose organization this year compiled its virtual history-related information and activities into what it called ‘History @ Home’. “What we’ve seen is that we’ve been able to reach more people in more places than ever before. We’ve been able to welcome scholars from across the country as speakers. People who grew up in Princeton or once lived in Princeton and moved away have reached out to us to say that our virtual programs have provided them with a way to stay connected to their former home.”

Like HSP, Morven Museum & Garden, the historic home to Declaration of Independence signer Richard Stockton, worked by bringing people on-site to share its stories of Stockton, former governors who called it home and more. Learning to use technology this past year to get through the pandemic will now allow Morven to invite the world to join as it plans to celebrate the historic signing.

“As we look forward to the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 2026, we know the eyes of the country will be looking for rich and interesting content and as a home of a signer, the only one open to the public in New Jersey, we will be ready to serve,” explains Jill Barry, Morven Museum & Garden Executive Director.

Beyond learning through a course or museum, many people gather global facts and historical information on their own, through the media and the internet. But be advised to ensure your source is a reliable one.

“The internet is a fantastic place for doing research and keeping apprised of the latest developments in world news. However, it’s also easier than ever to get duped by illegitimate news sources, and spread panic by sharing an article that might not even be true,” StandWithUs advises, in its Guide to Fact Checking. They also suggest checking that at least two other reputable sources are reporting similar information.

This advice also applies to Social Media. YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more can be used as a positive means to educate people about history and share an historical-moment in-the-making. These technological advances are the way many of today’s younger generation get their information. On platforms where people tend to only read posts from the people they follow, one might only see content reaffirmed by other similar-minded followers. Here, too, it is important to not share or repost before fact-checking. Take the recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for example. The history of this situation is very complex and often difficult for a teenager to grasp simply via social media.

“It doesn’t lend itself to a meme or a 5 second video, or however many characters you’re allowed on Twitter,” explains Susan Heller Pinto, Senior Director International Affairs & Director Middle Eastern Affairs of ADL (Anti-Defamation League). “You really need to delve in deep. So, when you get a picture and that’s supposed to capture the entire complexity going back 80 or more years, you’re going to be found wanting and will have a very shallow impression or understanding of this very deep-rooted conflict.”

This doesn’t mean one shouldn’t get any information this way. Social Media and other platforms like Clubhouse offer first-hand perspectives, something previously not available. You just have to ensure you get the full story.

“I have teenagers, I know they get a lot of their news from TikTok and Instragram, so it’s a real challenge to give insight through these important mediums but then encourage them to delve deeper,” notes Heller Pinto. “Our historical records are based on longer documentation, and we can’t throw that away. But what appears on social media is also a representation of morays and attitudes, and that needs to be incorporated. Are you going to write the history of the Trump presidency without the Tweets? No. But you can’t go by just those.”

Today’s technology also provides a chance to respond and try to shed more light on a topic. To prevent the perpetuation of antisemitism and false information about the history of Israel, Hayden Masia, a recent graduate from Princeton Day School, found herself having to clarify mistruths being posted by schoolmates on Instagram.

“I spend more time than I’d care to admit staring at my phone screen, and more and more I see terrifying things staring back at me, people promoting false conspiracies,” Masia admits. “I find myself trying to stand up to millions of people through a tiny screen. I dip into my Notes apps, using pre-written defense mechanisms to try to make my peers understand why what they are saying is so damaging.”

It’s a big task for teenagers to try and guide such misinformation. Experts also find it their duty when those with bigger platforms, like celebrities and famous journalists post historical information that requires corrections.

“Historians have a special expertise, a special knowledge about our past and there are a lot of mistruths being spun about that both on the popular media and in social media, and we have a duty to step in and correct things,” said Princeton University History Professor Kevin Kruse in a 2019 interview on CPSAN. But, he added, there are ways to use the same technology to ensure trustworthy information is also put out there. “When I see the President, another politician or a cable host or cable guest make a misstatement about the American past, which I know well, I can offer a correction on Twitter, one which is read not just by the people that follow me but hopefully can be spread by some of the journalists who follow me and serve as a corrective to that.”

Social media can also be used to determine what becomes historically important and how it will be interpreted. It used to be that an event would happen, it was encapsulated in time and lived on with those memories and interpretations. As Christian Zilles shared in the 2020 SocialMedia HQ article How Social Media Impacts the Way We Interpret Historical Events, social media does influence what we know, recall and share.

“The reality is that, even if an event is really a ‘non-event,’ it can generate tremendous visibility and influence within society if it is talked about, promoted, and debated on social media,” wrote Zilles.

A perfect example of this is Bernie Sanders in his mittens at the Biden inauguration in January. It became a viral meme and will forever be remembered as part of that event. Is there a detail like that you can recall from any past inauguration, and would it have become such a moment had it not been recorded and shared on social media?

Zilles went on to explain how the historical lens events would one day be viewed from are instead immediately shaped from these platforms, adding “The filter of social media forces us to look at historical events and interpret them in real-time.”

Case in point are the posts you’ve seen this week of history-in-the-making from Cuba where social media was used to organize unprecedented protests against the regime. And as a communist country, it also had never been possible to witness public dissent in real time like we can now.

With such technology being relatively new (in terms of history) we are learning each day what benefits and consequences it brings. Rather than piecing together remnants of an old paper map, will the digitization of today help preserve information for the future? Perhaps history will be more precise when visual recordings on YouTube rather than memories document the moments. Or will that live event go viral and alter the course of history? Time will tell, but no one can deny the amazing reach and ability technological advances have provided to the learning, sharing and passing along of the stories and moments from those that came before us to those still yet to come.

Editor’s Note

One year ago, I wrote in my Editor’s Note about the great outdoors and how stepping outside can help us get clarity of our current situation. Last June, deep in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, we were at a very different place than we are today. Yet, I think the same advice holds true – if we can step outside (ourselves, rather than just outdoors) and take a look back at our pandemic year, through the hardships came some rays of light.

The health scare was real and meant a great deal of suffering and loss for many. The fear also caused most people to slow down your lives, spend more time with family, learn who you really are and who you can count on, which was very therapeutic. So today, as life is opening up and we are resuming some of our “normal” life activities and adventures, it’s a great opportunity to focus on the optimistic aspects of the year and help ourselves move forward.

This month’s issue of Princeton Perspectives does just that with Positive Parts of the Pandemic. We are grateful to the local residents who were willing to share with us something good that came about in the past 15 months. You can see and hear their responses by playing The Pulse of Princeton video segment.

One thing that brought a lot of love and joy into people’s lives was a new pet. More pets joined families last year than ever before! We take a look at this wonderful craze in Pandemic Pets Helped Some Find Happiness Amongst the Hardships.

For some, snuggling with their pet helps them cope and for others, channeling their thoughts and feelings into music gets them through. As live music resumes, we’ll have an opportunity to not only hear some of our favorite bands and performers again but to hear what they created in the months of isolation. Getting the Bands Back Together…” – the Resurgence of Live Music in Princeton shares and insider’s perspective of the local music scene and what we have to get excited for.

We will see some stars rocking out on stage in the near future, but you don’t have to be a musician to be a rock star. In Young Rock Star Volunteers Helping Out All Around Us we highlight some of the amazing people that stepped forward to help our community in a troubling time of need.

Also helping others are companies that knew they had a job to do and didn’t let COVID halt their efforts. Adaptation, Thriving and Scientific Innovation During the Pandemic shares some of the scientific breakthroughs that local experts have been working on all year long. Read on to find out about these great possibilities.

Lastly, not all stories end the day we post them. You can get timely updates on stories we covered in a previous issue of Princeton Perspectives by reading our Perspectives Revisited.

Next month we’ll show you how to move forward by looking back as we delve into the many great historic offerings all around us! We hope you and your families are finding health and happiness with each day ahead and are looking forward to the summer.

Pulse of Princeton: Positive Parts of the Pandemic

Our hearts go out to those that suffered from sickness and loss due to COVID-19. Through the hardships, silver linings emerged that have helped us move forward. Today we focus on those positive parts.

We’d love to include YOUR perspective! If you’d like to contribute a video for next month’s Pulse of Princeton, click here and provide your name and email address to be contacted.

Pandemic Pets Helped Some Find Happiness Amongst the Hardships

At a time when we were forced to stay home more, forced to spend more time with our nuclear families and forced to figure out how we could make ourselves happy without a lot of outside influence, the past 15 months of the pandemic helped many come to the realization that it was primetime to bring home a pet. The unconditional love and companionship of pets brought happiness and positivity into an otherwise difficult year. And pets, too, benefitted from loving homes and opportunities they might have waited much longer for.


Whether it was the opportunity to be home and have more time for walking and playing, a chance to be around to ensure proper feeding and grooming, or simply a need to have another friend around, the “pandemic pet” craze became a reality around the country and here in Princeton. This craze brings with it lots of love and joy, and also a lot to think about.

“In mid-March [2020], as soon as the Governor of New Jersey put the stay-at-home order in place, which was supposed to be two weeks, we started to see this uptick. When it was extended past the two weeks, it completely was doubling, tripling, quadrupling our applications,” recalls Heather Achenbach, Executive Director of SAVE animal shelter in Skillman. “Once people thought it was continuing, realizing they totally could get a pet – the longer it went, the more of a frenzy it became.”

Adopting a pet to permanently live with you and join your family is a big commitment. And that was the right decision for many. For others, who weren’t yet sure or who simply needed temporary companionship, fostering was a better option. Kim Callea, Assistant Manager at EASEL animal rescue league in Ewing, shares how this choice became extremely popular.

“EASEL’s fostering network on the dog team exploded in the best way possible, and we at one point had more dogs in foster than cats (which has never happened in my 5 years of being here). More people were home, therefore they had the time to foster. Many wanted to help, but not make the commitment to adopting, so fostering was a great opportunity.”

Dogs were not the only pet of choice. Cats, which were adopted 50% more at EASEL in 2020 than 2019, saw a significant increase in fostering, too.

“Our cat foster applications went up significantly and our capacity doubled. This was especially important during “Kitten Season” from May through October,” explains Barbara Amideneau, EASEL Cat Foster Coordinator. “We had more families who were not traveling for summer vacation wanting to foster during that critical time.”

At Princeton Animal Hospital, last summer also brought in four times the number of new patients, with 160 new pets coming in each month compared to an average of 30-40 monthly prior to the pandemic.

“At a time where people may feel lost and alone due to the isolation, adding a furry companion can be great for mental health!” notes Princeton Animal Hospital Practice Manager, Allie Whartenby.

In fact, 90% of respondents in a recent study out of the UK said their pet helped them cope emotionally during the lockdown. While dogs and cats were most popular, the study showed that emotional bonds with all kinds of animals showed equal benefits. This could explain why purchases of fish, reptiles, birds and hamsters also grew dramatically this past year.


The Evans family, which has lived in Princeton for over 19 years, hasn’t had a pet since 2003. That all changed this year, when family dynamics and the yearning for a furry friend won out.

“A pet is something we’ve talked about on and off for years,” explains Sue Evans. “This past fall, our middle daughter moved to college in Texas and our oldest started a full-time job in Texas. That meant our youngest daughter was home without her sisters. The house was super quiet and felt empty. My oldest started fostering a kitten in October, and we all fell in love (long distance). They both came home from November to January, and we decided we really needed a kitten.”

Loki, a tuxedo kitten named for their favorite Marvel character, was adopted from SAVE and became an instant part of the family. And it’s been easy, as currently there is always someone at home to provide care and attention. This timing also created an unintended consequence as Loki became largely unaccustomed to strangers.

“Since we got her during a time of limited visitors, she does NOT like other people. She gave my middle daughter a lot of attitude when she came home from school a few weeks ago – won’t go near her, doesn’t let her pet her, runs away when she sees her. If someone comes over, Loki hides – she is not a people person,” states Evans.

The fast and furious swarms of interest at shelters, stores and breeders also brought about other unintended consequences. The northeastern U.S. is a very popular area for pet ownership and an area where many other states send their animals, because we don’t have the homeless pet issues that occur down south. SAVE, for example, gets regular deliveries of animals from Tennessee, yet could not find anyone to drive transport last year for fear of contracting COVID-19. This limited the number of animals available there for adoption.

“We emptied ourselves of dogs more times than I can count. I think it was 4 or 5 times. Literally, no adoptable dogs,” recalls Achenbach.

Local breeders encountered a similar flurry of demand and could not keep up. According to Patricia Hess of Bella Pups, a Pennington-based breeder of golden retrievers and goldendoodles for over 20 years, dogs only have two heats a year and it’s recommended they only produce a litter once annually. This puts limits on how many dogs a good breeder can have available. Yet, it didn’t stop people from trying.

“We were flooded. I literally had to take my phone number and email off the website for a time, I couldn’t keep up with it,” shares Hess, whose breed makes for very intelligent and desirable pets.

While many had to travel far and wide to find specific breeds, luck was on the side of the Levine family, who felt getting a dog from a breeder was their only choice due to asthma and allergies in the family. Their need for a non-shedding dog and their love for doodles led them to find a breed called labradoodle (a cross between a Labrador retriever and a poodle) from a breeder in nearby Bucks County, PA.

“We were fortunate that someone on the waitlist backed out and we got their slot, we only waited 8 weeks. We would have had to wait at least 6 months otherwise,” states Dana Levine, who lives in Princeton with her husband and two children.

The Levines both work full-time jobs, so they had been hesitant to respond to their children’s pleas for a dog. But the pandemic’s work-from-home situation led them to rethink things. The house may not be as clean these days and there are earlier wake-up calls, but their mini-labradoodle, Tony Pickles, is a welcomed addition to the family.

“We’re beyond happy. Tony has brought endless love to the Levine household. Additionally, I’ve met new friends who also have dogs in my neighborhood because of him,” says Levine.


The difficulty of finding a dog at a breeder led many to turn to shelter and rescue pets, which was great for those dogs and cats. After 15 months, they are all seeing things slow down from the frantic pace of last summer.

“I think the pendulum has swung in the other direction now. Everything has opened back up and I think people are saying let’s not get a dog now and enjoy the summer,” Hess adds.

While that may be the case, the drastic increase in dog and cat ownership this past year combined with supply chain and manufacturing delays has created shortages in dog and cat food. It’s also meant some other desirable pets are not available.

PetSmart on Nassau Park Boulevard has been selling a lot of fish and hamsters this year. Parakeets and other birds have also become extremely popular.

“From what we’ve been seeing in the last few weeks, there seems to be a vendor shortage where they can’t keep up with the demand for a lot of animals and a lot of fish as well. We can’t even keep certain animals in stock,” explains Adam Oestreicher, PetSmart Manager.

The pet store thought a lot of people wouldn’t be shopping when the initial lockdown occurred, but pets need supplies and food. So, the store never closed down, which was a bit overwhelming for the staff.

T&T Pet Supply in Skillman similarly saw its busiest season ever when the pandemic hit. 80% of their business at the time shifted to deliveries.

“When it first happened, I was doing deliveries left and right, we were already set up for it,” remembers T&T Pet Supply owner, Mark Hunsbedt. “It got so busy we had to go out and get a van!”


Adapting and quick changes were the reality for everyone in the pet business. Whether selling animals or the things they need, breeding or providing animals for fostering or adoption, those in charge had to learn quickly what worked and what didn’t. Families wanted to bring home pets, but new caretakers don’t always know what’s the right fit.

“We were getting returned puppies, families that thought they were ready then realized they were so stressed from the pandemic and having kids home, instead of the pet helping, it was causing more stress,” Achenbach explains.

And stress isn’t just something that humans can feel. As our world opens back up and people begin to spend less time at home, it is important to adjust your pets to their new reality and keep them from feeling overwhelmed.

“Separation anxiety in pets is something we frequently see in patients which results in damage or destruction of the home, excessive barking or nervousness, and inappropriate bathroom habits when families leave the pet at home,” explains Whartenby. “Taking steps prior to being faced with a change to prepare your pet is important to minimize their anxiety.”

How does one do this? Before you leave for long stretches, it is suggested that you help your pet get used to you not being around by leaving them for brief periods of time. You may want to summon the help of a dog trainer to help them adjust and reduce anxiety. Whartenby also suggests utilizing items such as Kong toys that can reduce boredom while your pet is alone and to absolutely ensure the environment you leave them in is a safe one.

To date, SAVE says it has not had a single pet returned due to separation anxiety as their families return to school and work. But while you do still have a bit more time at home, it’s also great to get your pets outside with others.

“Continuing to socialize their adopted dogs is crucial. Now that restrictions are being lifted, it is important to get your pup out there and meeting new people. Summer is quickly approaching which means warm weather and sunshine – so get your dogs moving!” adds Dr. Georgia Arvanitis, EASEL VP, Director of Grants. “Similarly, for cats and kittens, they need to be introduced to people outside your immediate family, so that they are not ‘fraidy cats.’ They need to be comfortable with guests, and not run and hide when the doorbell rings!”


If you haven’t yet brought home your pandemic pet, it’s important to consider the reasons you want one– are they fleeting or permanent? Our experts have some advice to guide you towards the right pet.

“Take a pet off the table if you can’t provide for it financially, give your pet the time it needs, those are the two primary commitments. You also need patience. If you don’t have those 3 things, do not get a pet. It’s that simple,” suggests Achenbach.

The life expectancy of dogs is 10-12 years and for cats it is 12-15 years, so think ahead about how many years to are able to commit for. It is also important to decide if you want or need a certain breed. Stores, shelters and rescues are great options but if you choose to seek out a breeder, do your research.

“If you can get a puppy tomorrow, that’s questionable. They should make sure they’re going to a breeder they’ve been referred to, that actually exists. A lot of people told me they were scammed,” recalls Hess.

Breeders should invite you to their home or place of work, so you can see and meet the dogs. Hess says if they suggest a different meeting spot or an odd form of payment, you should question the situation. And be patient, as a good breeder doesn’t always have a dog immediately available.

Patience is also essential when visiting your veterinarian. In addition to seeing more pets, this past year saw a shortage of veterinary graduates applying for jobs – so the clinics are short staffed!

The stores where you may get supplies and food, they are short staffed, too. And busy as ever – only more people are coming on site rather than requesting deliveries.

In the end, have patience for your pets. They, too, will be adjusting to a new normal as the world opens up more and more. But enjoy them. Thankfully the pandemic pet craze has brought more unconditional love and affection into people’s homes than ever before.

Young Rock Star Volunteers Helping Out All Around Us

Volunteers are always an essential part of our society, providing their time, money or abilities to help others. When COVID-19 hit our area in March 2020 and life essentially shut down, existing needs became even more apparent and new ones emerged. The virus was scary and brought with it countless unknowns. Many retreated to the safety of their homes, while some put aside their own fears and came forward in unprecedented ways.

As author Rick Riordan once said, “Out of every tragedy comes new strength.” That certainly was the case here, where many young volunteers in the Princeton area stepped up this past year. It’s important to recognize this greatness, which not only helped people get by, it ensured some survived. From school-aged to 20-somethings, we’re highlighting some students and graduates who are “Young Rock Star Volunteers” because their courage, attitude and strength deserve our fanatical admiration.

Princeton Mobile Food Pantry

The Princeton Mobile Food Pantry (PMFP) provided food and support to the underserved Princeton community prior to the pandemic, offering a weekly pick-up pantry to over 300 people since 2017 and helping in many other ways for more than a decade. When COVID hit, the pantry shifted to a mobile operation, utilizing volunteers to collect and deliver fresh food to more than 700 recipients. Since April 2020, nearly 130 volunteers have signed up to help through the PMFP website.

“PMFP typically has 22-24 rotating volunteers who sign up to help pack and/or deliver at our bi-monthly meetings on Wednesday mornings where we create grocery bags filled with fresh meat, eggs, dairy, fruits and vegetables,” describes Lilliana Morenilla, Princeton Mobile Food Pantry Chair and Founder. “We also have volunteers who cannot meet during the day so we offer lots of options for them to help on their own time. For example, we have friends who volunteer to fundraise for us by selling homemade cookies or dog biscuits online. Others have done drives (ie. dry beans, sanitary items, summer items, toothpaste, blankets, etc.) through their social networks, religious groups, sports teams, and neighborhoods. Volunteers have also reached out to help us with grant writing, or making connections to local farms and businesses, promotion through social media and new outlets.”

Rohan Sheth, a 15-year-old Hun student, first got involved two years ago by following along with his mother, Shilpa Pai. When the pandemic hit and the needs increased, so did his commitment. He began accompanying his mom weekly.

“What we would do is pack grocery bags full of food every Wednesday and then take them, in our cars, to people in and around Princeton who needed help the most,” explains Sheth. “As the summer went on, more and more people started helping out and the whole process was just accelerated and became more efficient. While I only helped out on certain days, there was also so much work happening behind the scenes that I got to see happen through my mom.”

Sheth was not the only young volunteer. Ryan (age 18) and Kyle (age 14) Grzymala had been operating their own charity for seven years when they joined forces with the Princeton Mobile Food Pantry.

Ryan was turning 11 when he asked for gently used toys for his birthday rather than new gifts. Noticing a shortage of good toys and activities for indoor recess at his school, Riverside Elementary, Ryan cleaned, organized and then distributed the used toys he received to the teachers around school. He then convinced his younger brother Kyle to do the same and R+K=Toys was born. Over the years, 1000s of toys have been collected with donations from and benefitting all four Princeton elementary schools and a freecycle event, enhancing the indoor recess and learning environment for all Princeton students. Unopened toys were also provided to Homefront to give out for the holidays. Seeing all the joy the toys brought to kids, the duo decided to rename their operation R+K=Smiles.

When COVID hit, their collections shifted to curbside pickups and Ryan and Kyle decided to partner with Princeton Mobile Food Pantry to help with that operation as well as to find a new way to distribute their toys.

“We are working with a new organization and our goal is to recycle 200+ items a month for kids who would really like new things to play with,” shares Ryan. “Plus, it helps to keep stuff out of the landfill.”

Over the years R+K=Smiles has also coordinated their efforts with the Princeton Public Library and Sustainable Princeton.

Sustainable Princeton

Since 2012, Sustainable Princeton has been working to inspire the community in ways that positively impact our environment. Throughout the past year, when priorities for many shifted to a more personal survival mode, Sustainable Princeton powered forward with initiatives they hope will have long-lasting effects on the survival of our community-at-large.

A recent graduate of Rider University who grew up in Princeton’s Witherspoon Jackson neighborhood, Samuel Garcia volunteers his time with the organization. He learned the importance of volunteering from his parents during his middle school years and it stayed with him.

I really enjoy walking through the Pettoranello Gardens with my family and the heavy amounts of littering continues to be alarming,” recalls Garcia. “That is what motivated me to attend a Sustainable Princeton presentation and ultimately changing my lifestyle.”

Garcia has been volunteering with Sustainable Princeton ever since and after two years, recently got promoted to Intern.

“Whether Samuel is helping with a neighborhood cleanup, giving a presentation about the health impacts of climate change, or helping sign up Princeton residents for an emergency notification program, he does it with quiet humility and genuine care about his community,” shares Christine Symington, Sustainable Princeton Program Director.

The major initiative Sustainable Princeton has taken on this past year is Changing the Landscape: Healthy Yards = Healthy People. The project’s goal is to encourage landscaping practices that are healthier for workers and the environment. Sustainable Princeton is working together with other local organizations and the community, and Garcia is playing a key role.

“He continues to provide valuable insight into the culture and values of our local Hispanic community to inform our efforts,” notes Molly Jones, Sustainable Princeton Executive Director.

Housing Initiatives of Princeton

Also working with our local Hispanic community as a bilingual speaker of English and Spanish, Guillermo Herrera Nimmagadda was finishing his first semester as a graduate student at Princeton University this past December when he jumped right into a volunteer role with Housing Initiatives of Princeton (HIP).

“I knew the pandemic had led to a severe housing crisis. Because I was frequently in contact with Spanish-speaking residents, it also meant I could serve my Latinx community, which had been disproportionately hurting from COVID-19,” says Herrera Nimmagadda.

HIP has been offering affordable rental opportunities (transitional housing) and services to help low-income working families stay in the area since 2004. The organization recently received a State grant to provide rental assistance and Herrera Nimmagadda was able to help local Spanish-speakers apply and benefit from this and the county offerings as well.

“When Mercer County had announced its Emergency Rental Assistance Program, there was only an English form available to apply,” shares Herrera Nimmagadda. “Jeff Simon and I had decided to create an unofficial Spanish version of the form to make it easier for Latinx residents to apply, in which they filled out the unofficial form in Spanish and we then submitted the official form in English on their behalf. Soon thereafter, Mercer County actually adopted our Spanish translation and uploaded a Spanish version of the application because Carol Golden at HIP had informed them of our translation.”

Simon began volunteering with HIP in December as well, and along with Herrera Nimmagadda helps the organization sort through applications to grant assistance. At 34-years old, Simon is slightly older than some of our other Rock Star Volunteers, but his joint efforts with Herrera Nimmagadda warrant a mention. Simon is not a native Spanish speaker but learned the language through courses at his public schools and in his years at the University of Michigan. After teaching amongst immigrant communities for several years, Simon decided to go back for a degree as an immigration lawyer (he has one more year of school to go) and now advocates for opportunities.

“The pandemic has taken a serious toll on our undocumented neighbors, who receive very little federal and state assistance,” explains Simon. “There’s a lot of suffering out there, a lot of people can’t pay their rent because they lost their jobs – many because they were laid off as a result of the pandemic, but others had to stay home with their children who were doing school remotely, and still others were taking care of relatives.”

Princeton Mutual Aid

Simon also gives his time to Princeton Mutual Aid (PMA) where he volunteers alongside Nymisha Herrera Nimmagadda, Guillermo’s wife.

PMA provides support to those in our community that need it. This could be in the form of food, money and medicine or the assistance of job opening information, providing COVID essentials like masks or vaccine access and offering other advocacy and assistance.

Nymisha and Guillermo moved here in the midst of the pandemic last fall, and she immediately began helping through PMA to bag groceries and deliver them to local seniors.

“Through these encounters and other interactions, it became evident that not all neighbors in Princeton had the same access to resources. There was only one free testing site within walkable distance in town and it only provided testing once a week for a 2-hour window,” notes Nymisha. “By contrast, all university affiliates participated in a regular protocol of testing twice per week at no cost. It is unjust that the rest of the town’s inhabitants had only one extremely limited option for testing, even as they share the same streets, stores, restaurants, and places of worship with the university community. They shared the risks but had none of the same safety measures.”

In conjunction with other local organizations, 29-year old Nymisha sought out to form an action group which protested with 200 community members and submitted a petition of nearly 900 signatures to encourage Princeton University to share its COVID resources with the greater community.

“In April, the University decided to expand its COVID testing and vaccination to the whole town of Princeton. Additionally, we attended the Board of Health meetings and highlighted to the Health Department as well as the Board how the vaccine rollout was inequitable and leaving communities of color behind. The Health Department has now implemented community clinics at local venues as well as in the neighborhoods,” explains Nymisha.

Like Nymisha, Shuk Ying Chan felt her status as a Princeton University graduate student was providing her a safety net that others in the greater Princeton community were not privy to.

“I wanted to do something to help turn this moment of crisis into something more hopeful,” Chan shares.

She joined PMA as it was just starting out in April 2020, and in addition to assisting with daily basic necessities, has become an activist for others.

“Through my work with PMA, I came into contact with contract workers at PU who had been furloughed without pay, and who had basically been abandoned by the university as soon as their labor was no longer needed, at a time of unprecedented crisis. We were outraged by this, and as a student at the university I felt an extra moral obligation to stand in solidarity with the workers whose labor makes the university and its activities possible,” Chan recalls. She then worked with a team of people to pressure the University to change its ways. “We mobilized students and PMA members to speak out at university townhalls, organized a petition of solidarity, helped the student newspaper with their investigative report on the issue, worked with union organizers.”

To further help those in town, Chan regularly attends public meetings of the municipal government to be a voice for various causes.

JFCS of Greater Mercer County

Helping others by empowering them to help themselves, Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JFCS) is an organization that has been assisting the community through a variety of social services offerings and programs since 1937. Two of its programs to help older adults are Kosher Meals on Wheels and Healthy @ Home Senior Shopper program.

22-year-old Matt Erman saw how others were giving back during the pandemic and wanted to do his part. He’s been volunteering with various organizations since his Eagle Scout years and decided in October to deliver the meals and shop for seniors.

“When you get to see the same people each and every week, you get to really know them, and a simple food drop off can often turn into a 15-minute conversation,” says Erman.

For example, there’s Iris in East Windsor, who shares her grocery lists with Erman and so much more.

“Over the past months, we have become a fixture of both our lives – she asks about my sister or how my law school search has been going, and I ask about her grandkids and her friends,” Erman shares. “The people have been my favorite part of working with JFCS and interacting with Iris is definitely something I look forward to each week.”

Erman’s efforts awarded him JFCS Volunteer of the Month alongside fellow 22-year-old Lucian Chown.

Lucian first learned to volunteer by raising and training puppies with his family at the age of ten. He also gained insight about giving back to the community in high school through a teen philanthropy program he took part in called Jewish Community Youth Foundation (JCYF), offered by JFCS. The pandemic sent him to work from home in NJ and he wanted to give back in this time of need. So Chown started delivering for Kosher Meals on Wheels. When he made his first delivery, it was the first time he’d left the house in three months.

JFCS operated under strict COVID-19 precautions, and the individuals I delivered to were also respectful. Human interaction for Meals on Wheels is minimal, although meaningful, and mostly done outside which certainly alleviated a lot of my concerns,” Chown explains. “One man shouts his thanks through the door each week. That always makes me smile!”

Erman and Chown are amongst the 200 volunteers that help JFCS provide mobile and pick-up food pantries, senior services, youth programs, counseling services and more. At a time when strong and willing volunteers were really needed, they have stepped up.

“These particular volunteers are motivated by an obvious sense of responsibility and a desire to do their part to repair the world,” boasts Eden Aronson, JFCS Volunteer Coordinator. “Their work ethic and unlimited availability has helped immeasurably at a time when many volunteers have been careful about being out in the world. We are so fortunate to be the recipient of their loyalty.”

Arts Council of Princeton

To be out in the world during the pandemic, one needed a mask…and that is what led Arts Council of Princeton to launch its Sew Many Masks campaign last March, which aligns perfectly with its mission to build community through the arts.

“At that time masks were hard to come by, and our community rallied around this effort by donating fabric and picking up kits to sew masks,” details Melissa Kuscin, Arts Council of Princeton’s Program/Marketing Manager. “In the end, our volunteers helped us create almost 2,000 fabric masks that were then distributed to anyone who needed them, free of charge.”

The masks were passed out at soup kitchens and distribution sites around the community, to ensure the most vulnerable populations were protected. Their creations came from a combination of volunteer efforts, with some donating fabric, others pre-cutting and more sewing. Adults and children chipped in, including a local Girl Scout troop.

“The Arts Council’s Sew Many Masks project gave our troop a chance to use the sewing skills we learned in Girl Scouts during middle school and helped many people in our community,” recalls 16-year old Bhavana Thelakkat. “We sewed masks, made t-shirts masks and t-shirt yarn at home. I also enjoyed creating videos for Sew Many Masks to help others learn how to contribute as well. Overall, this project was a great experience as it helped to make a positive impact on so many people!”

And what a positive impact these girls and all of our Rock Star Volunteers have made. In a year that was difficult for so many, it’s nice to know there are people in our community we can count on.

Editor’s Note

Love wins. Kindness is everything. Diversity is celebrated. Signs like these, posted all around, began sprouting when society decided to no longer tolerate bias, racism and bigotry.

It is an innate part of being human to have thoughts and judgements about others. But when those thoughts and judgements are unreasonable and personal, they become biases. And biases hurt. Can we ever come to a point when we all see and hear others without judging?

In this month’s issue of Princeton Perspectives we take a look at the sensitive topic of Biases in our Hometown.

It is scary and intimidating to be honest about bias, yet we found several brave locals willing to share their perspectives in this month’s Pulse of Princeton. We asked them whether they have experienced any bias in our area and what they feel needs to be done.

We also reached out to our community to try and gage what it’s really like in Princeton. In Bias Incidents are on the Rise. What’s it Like Here? we share our findings about biases in our town and county, and reactions to them.

While the pandemic took its toll on all of us, added burdens and attacks made the year even harder for some. The Invisible Asian Americans is written by a guest writer, who opened herself up to share the struggles she and many others have and are enduring.

It has been one year since the latest racial justice movement was sparked. People came out and demanded change but Has this Past Year of Racial Awareness Led Princeton to Change? Read the article to learn more.

If We Act Now, Could We Alter the Future of Bias and Create More Open-Minded Youth? That is a great question, and one our other guest writer attempts to answer in this article. Empathy, she shares, is the path to a better future.

Though these topics are difficult to discuss, this is where we are. We hope the articles help you to gain a better understanding of Princeton and our greater area today.

Before you finish the issue, we hope you’ll take a moment to read our Perspectives Revisited, where we update items previously covered in Princeton Perspectives. There is a lot going on in town these days!

Next month, we’ll lighten things up with a positive look at the pandemic. Positive? No, that’s not a typo. There are actually some great things that have come out of a year in isolation. We hope you’ll agree.

As the weather warms and it is inviting to be outside, enjoy it and take advantage. Say hi to a neighbor and try something new.

Pulse of Princeton: Have you experienced bias in our area? What can be done to eliminate them?

We’d love to include YOUR perspective! If you’d like to contribute a video for next month’s Pulse of Princeton, click here and provide your name and email address to be contacted.