Editor’s Note

Love wins. Kindness is everything. Diversity is celebrated. Signs like these, posted all around, began sprouting when society decided to no longer tolerate bias, racism and bigotry.

It is an innate part of being human to have thoughts and judgements about others. But when those thoughts and judgements are unreasonable and personal, they become biases. And biases hurt. Can we ever come to a point when we all see and hear others without judging?

In this month’s issue of Princeton Perspectives we take a look at the sensitive topic of Biases in our Hometown.

It is scary and intimidating to be honest about bias, yet we found several brave locals willing to share their perspectives in this month’s Pulse of Princeton. We asked them whether they have experienced any bias in our area and what they feel needs to be done.

We also reached out to our community to try and gage what it’s really like in Princeton. In Bias Incidents are on the Rise. What’s it Like Here? we share our findings about biases in our town and county, and reactions to them.

While the pandemic took its toll on all of us, added burdens and attacks made the year even harder for some. The Invisible Asian Americans is written by a guest writer, who opened herself up to share the struggles she and many others have and are enduring.

It has been one year since the latest racial justice movement was sparked. People came out and demanded change but Has this Past Year of Racial Awareness Led Princeton to Change? Read the article to learn more.

If We Act Now, Could We Alter the Future of Bias and Create More Open-Minded Youth? That is a great question, and one our other guest writer attempts to answer in this article. Empathy, she shares, is the path to a better future.

Though these topics are difficult to discuss, this is where we are. We hope the articles help you to gain a better understanding of Princeton and our greater area today.

Before you finish the issue, we hope you’ll take a moment to read our Perspectives Revisited, where we update items previously covered in Princeton Perspectives. There is a lot going on in town these days!

Next month, we’ll lighten things up with a positive look at the pandemic. Positive? No, that’s not a typo. There are actually some great things that have come out of a year in isolation. We hope you’ll agree.

As the weather warms and it is inviting to be outside, enjoy it and take advantage. Say hi to a neighbor and try something new.

Pulse of Princeton: Have you experienced bias in our area? What can be done to eliminate them?

We’d love to include YOUR perspective! If you’d like to contribute a video for next month’s Pulse of Princeton, click here and provide your name and email address to be contacted.

Bias Incidents are on the Rise. What’s it Like Here?

A so-called liberal town, located halfway between New York City and Philadelphia, Princeton prides itself as being open-minded, made up of academics and professionals, passersby and lifers, of all nationalities and colors. Princeton, originally named Prince-town in the late 17th century, was the capital of our country for 4 brief months in 1783. But, as we’ve learned through the history of our forefathers and other national leaders, political standing doesn’t always mean political correctness. When it comes to being welcoming to others, do Princetonians do better or worse than their fellow Americans with regards to their biases and judgements? It turns out, it’s a little of both.

Merriam-Webster defines a bias as “a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment.” And unfortunately, most people have some. The result is whether we care to learn more about each other and support those that are different than us, or if we let those judgements affect our interactions and harm others.

“Most people find it easy to see our differences, because typically they are obvious and involve our appearance,” explains Princeton Police Department (PPD) Chief Christopher Morgan. “We want our officers to take a moment to talk and listen to others, because more often than not, we discover how we’re closer to being the same than we are different.”

This sentiment extends far beyond the police department, though not everyone shares it. So far in 2021, the PPD has documented 9 different cases of bias incidents (though it should be noted that 3 of them were perpetrated by the same person at one time). Five of the incidents were harassment, three criminal mischief and one was cyber harassment. Additionally, a preliminary report from the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General shows 140 bias incidents throughout Mercer County last year, the 3rd highest number in the state. Anti-Black, anti-Jewish and anti-gay were the most common types. You can see the full report here.

It’s important to note that data doesn’t always tell the full story, as often victims of bias attacks are too afraid or uncomfortable to report them.


47% of all bias incidents reported in Mercer County last year were against Blacks, the largest percentage of bias incidents overall, against a group that makes up only 21% of the county population. In Princeton, Blacks comprise 5.5% of the population.

“I know as a person of color there are issues here, but on a personal level I feel welcome,” says Leighton Newlin, who was born and raised in Princeton and has lived here as an adult since 1996. “The issue with bias and because it is everywhere is what you do with it. You can either react to it or you can allow it to motivate you, to break through barriers and to use your voice, actions, attitude, intellect and insight to show people why them being biased is not a truthful reaction to what they’re seeing.”

To fight bias, Not in Our Town Princeton seeks to promote inclusive communities. Board Member Shirley Satterfield, a 6th generation Princetonian, says the need for organizations like this show that biases still exist, but she never felt them in her younger days as a Black girl in town.

“I felt welcomed in this community because our community was segregated. I went to the Princeton School for Colored Children, we had a self-contained neighborhood. I didn’t know anything about biases until they integrated the schools.”

Since integration in the 1950s, teachers and others had to be educated to know how to work together. Four years ago, Satterfield started the Witherspoon-Jackson Historical and Cultural Society. Beyond preserving the history of African Americans in Princeton, the society aims “to partner with the diverse community organizations, businesses, and town officials to promote awareness, education and interest in Princeton’s African-American heritage in tandem with the present and future development of the town of Princeton.”

Such historical education is part of the movement to help advance racial literacy and understanding in Princeton. More specifics of education and awareness are detailed in Has this Past Year of Racial Awareness Led Princeton to Change?, also in this issue of Princeton Perspectives.

When it comes to the Hispanic community, more than 100 bias incidents were noted in Mercer County last year, making them the 4th most reported in 2020. However, in Princeton and neighboring towns, it’s not just incidents that affect people.

“There is a bias with Hispanics in terms of we are seen as an afterthought. People think of that community that needs something instead of that community that also contributes,” describes Ana Paola Pazmiño, Director of Unidad Latina en Acción NJ, whose organization works to empower, organize and educate the community. “Most of our Hispanic leaders, which I’d call Latinos or Latinx, are striving and also wanting to fit, to be part of the community. To not be that afterthought. One of the ways is obviously learning the language. I’ve seen many of our community leaders forcing themselves to go to ESL classes, making sure their children are also involved in school activities so they can feel a part of the community.”

Pazmiño says there is a bias and racial tension felt in the community right now when it comes to vaccinations, for those being asked to show ID that might not have a resident card or Passport. She says the ability to get a vaccine is also troubling.

“There’s the lack of language justice for making sure the information is going out in Spanish and English, a lot of the how-to and access for those that are farm workers, working all day and only have nighttime, so their access to vaccinations is nearly impossible and there’s not a specific way to get it through their employer.”

People of other backgrounds are also feeling tension this past year. There were nearly 70 bias reports each against Asians, Whites and other races.

Xiaobing Li, an Asian American Princeton resident, says there is a common stereotype that Asian Americans are not Americans but rather “outsiders” or “guests” and not an integral part of the community.

In late March, the local “Stop Asian Hate” rally gathered hundreds at Princeton’s Hinds Plaza, denouncing recent murders of Asian Americans and calling for better understanding and education of Asians in our country – hoping it will help remove stigmas and biases. To that end, the organization Make Us Visible NJ is advocating for the meaningful inclusion of Asian American and Pacific-Islander (AAPI) studies in NJ public schools. You can read more about specific struggles Asian American’s encounter by clicking on the The Invisible Asian Americans article in this issue.

While thankfully there have not been any recent violent attacks in our area, local Asian families say the pandemic has brought about comments, including students taunting their children in school hallways and classrooms.

“You may have read the news about a Princeton High School freshman’s comments in one of the BOE meetings in March. He was born and raised in the U.S. and has been residing in Princeton schools for years, but his classmate at the middle school questioned him about if he eats dogs and shoved an umbrella to his face ‘to keep the corona away’,” retells Li. She  also recalls another incident at the rally in March. “When the volunteers were setting up banners and tables for the rally at Hinds Plaza, two white elder ladies came over and accused the volunteers of ‘spreading hate’ and threatened to write to the local authorities to report the rally organizer.”


Like the taunts mentioned above, local religious bias incidents tend not to be violent but more acts of intimidation. Anti-Semitism (prejudice against Jews) is the most common form of anti-religious bias in the United States.

“Most anti-Semitic acts, other than in ultra-orthodox areas, are basically vandalism. Words, swastikas on the ground or a building, a flyer written out,” explains Mark Merkowitz, Executive Director of Jewish Federation Princeton Mercer Bucks.

Courtesy: Anti-Defamation League

Since January 2020, the Anti-Defamation League reports there have been 17 instances of White Supremacist propaganda targeting Jews in Princeton. There were also a dozen incidents of anti-Semitic vandalism and harassment in Princeton in 2020. They include Swastika graffiti that was found on a Jewish family’s mailbox and on the Princeton University campus, pornographic images disrupting a synagogue’s Zoom Shabbat prayer service, and an image of Hitler appearing during a virtual class.

It is difficult to find localized numbers when it comes to religion, but The Pew Research Center data states that 67% of adults in New Jersey are Christian, 3% are Muslim, 3% Hindu, and fewer than 1% are Buddhist. The largest minority religion in the state is Judaism, noted as 6% of the adult population.

At Princeton University (PU), there have been 10 religious bias reports on campus so far during the 2020-2021 school year (note, students were not on campus until 2nd semester). The incidents, which involved the use of visual symbols and unwelcomed speech, were anti-Semitic (4), anti-Muslim (4), and against Christianity and Scientology (2).

“At Princeton, we define bias as a broad category of behaviors including discrimination, harassment, and other actions that demean or intimidate individuals or groups because of personal characteristics, beliefs or expression,” shares Michael Hotchkiss, PU Deputy Spokesperson. “We acknowledge that more incidents may occur than are reported. Nonetheless, we take all reports of bias seriously and respond in appropriate ways based on the context and circumstances presented and in light of the University’s principles of freedom of expression.”


The number of anti-gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender bias incidents increased in Mercer County from 2019-2020. While no one person can speak for all, there appears to be a sense of acceptance for gender differences in town.

“I have seen LGBTQ+ people embraced in a number of settings, including political events, houses of worship, fundraisers, and festivals,” states Nick DiDomizio, a white cis gay male that has lived in Princeton for about 6 years. “But I know that BIPOC transgender and non-binary members of our community are still struggling to find acceptance.”

The LGBTQ+ liaison to the Princeton Civil Rights Commission since 2019, DiDomizio says LGBTQ+ complaints with regards to bias and discrimination would be brought to the commission but hate crimes would be directed to the police.

“I can’t say I have heard of any instances personally in my relatively short tenure here in town. I know that Princeton University used to be less of an accepting place, but many attitudes within the administration have changed. I’ve also heard testimonials from folks during the Princeton Community Pride event that they would never have felt comfortable showing public displays of affection decades ago, but they feel like it is much better now,” DiDomizio adds.

Princeton Public Schools has shown support for the LGBTQ+ community by assigning gender neutral restrooms, creating LGB and transgender protections in its policy and by hiring folks like Princeton Unified Middle School (PUMS) guidance counselor Thomas Foley, who also helps lead professional development for the district on how to best support LGBTQ+ students. In his role, Foley started the Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) at PUMS as a support and advocacy group for middle school LGBTQ+ students and their allies, which also educates all students about their community.

“I often cite the CDC who has put out messaging stating that just the existence of a club like SAGA in schools decreases rates of harassment, intimidation, and bullying in schools, decreases rates of student depression, and increases student attendance,” Foley shares. “The students at PUMS know that they are valued and loved no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity. Teachers report that more kids than ever are comfortable coming out and sharing these pieces of themselves and the students are very accepting of one another. It is a beautiful thing.”

Outward, intentional attacks with regards to sexuality are not common at the middle school, but Foley says unintentional micro-aggressions do occur.

“Micro-aggressions include telling students they are “too young” to speak on topics related to gender and sexuality, assigning students into groups based on gender, perpetuating stereotypes by making assumptions about people based on characteristics they exhibit, etc,” explains Foley. “Additionally, students have reported to me use of the word “gay” as meaning “weird,” “dumb,” etc. in the form of “that’s so gay.” This used to be far more common, but I’ve noticed that with SAGA and with the progression of our society as being more inclusive, hearing “that’s so gay” is also rarer these days but does still occur, according to my students.”


It is impossible to address them all in one article, but biases don’t start and end with race, religion and sexuality. As one local resident points out, Princetonians often share strong judgements when it comes to Princeton Charter School (PCS) families.

“I believe in public schools,” says a former PPS parent whose family transferred to PCS from a PPS elementary school for what they feel was a better fitting environment. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the parent added “I had no idea that in Princeton if you send your child to Charter you, as a person, are going to be questioned and there will be a great deal of social ostracism and condemnation directed your way. There’s an incredible bias and you are considered ‘One of those parents’.”

There has been tension between PPS and Charter families since Charter’s inception in 1997 when, according to the website, it was created by a group of parents seeking “high academic standards” for the children in town. A few years ago, when PCS sought expansion, the feelings of many PPS parents grew even more intense and their opinions were not only directed at the grown-ups.

“It got to the point for Charter parents, if you were sending your kid out to the park or store, you would not dress them in anything that identified them as attending Charter,” the parent recalls.

Many Princetonians against PCS would argue their opinions are not biased, they are judgements based on reasonable assessments. But the bias develops when the opinions extend beyond the existence of the school and are directed towards people – the families that attend or staff that work there, causing them to feel unwelcomed in town. Another group of people struggling with that feeling are those with conservative or Republican views. Some contend a town like Princeton, whose residents are predominantly Democrat and liberal, is a bit of an oxymoron, for to be liberal is to respect opinions that are different from your own.

“The fact that Republicans don’t even run for public office in this town speaks volumes to what the town feels about its viewpoints. This town had a mayor that ran unopposed, doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know about local government,” offered a local registered Republican, hesitant to share this point of view in public. “I feel that if I gave my true feelings on anything I’d be ostracized by my neighbors and friends, and that’s no way to live in a Democracy.”

Several conservatives in town shared this viewpoint with me, noting they have been called immoral, insensitive, and criminal for supporting Republican policy or having left-of-center beliefs.


Working towards the betterment of our democracy is the Princeton Civil Rights Commission, helping to educate the community about implicit bias through outreach, community dialogues, community forums, seminars, focus groups and study circles.

“We also offer the ability to put organizations into training for conscious and unconscious bias. We’ve worked very closely with the Attorney General’s office over the years because they also provide bias training, they’re a ready resource,” explains Princeton Civil Rights Commission Chair, Tommy Parker. “It’s community driven. We’ll act as moderators, but the emphasis, the push and delivery is going to come from community and community stakeholders.”

As part of the municipality’s bias training, the Civil Rights Commission has created a Racial Equity Tool Kit, that is to be used by municipal leaders, departments and groups to help position their thinking and pose questions they may not have thought of while devising new policies or programs.

“The community feedback has been very favorable and feedback from municipal leaders has been positive,” adds Civil Rights Commission Vice Chair, Sherrod Smith. “At this point we’re doing what we can to make sure it’s being considered and used by municipal officials to analyze and assess policies on the front end before it goes out and you have unforeseen issues that disproportionately affect a certain population.”

Civil Rights, as described by Britannica, provides “guarantees of equal social opportunities and equal protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics.” Biases can contribute to violations of civil rights. If someone in the community feels they’re not being treated fairly, complaints or desires for mediation can be filed through the Human Services office or directly to the Commission.

“The Civil Rights Commission would provide them with a list of mediators, not connected to the commission or municipality. They also have access, if the other steps don’t resolve things, to the NJ State Attorney General’s office, Civil Rights Division,” adds Parker.

Parker notes that in the past year there have been more and varied organizations coming to the commission to get involved or ask questions.

Amongst the organizations seeking to do better, is the Princeton Police Department, which is focused on proper training of its Police force.

“We’ve included Implicit Bias training this year as well. All officers were required to attend that training and we promoted the idea of talking about our differences and putting just as much focus or more on taking the time to recognize our similarities,” shares Chief Morgan. “We’ve sent an officer, at her request, to attend the Cornell University Diversity and Inclusion training program. The program was such a success that another officer will be attending as well. Together, through our training program, we will be incorporating their lessons and sharing their information throughout the police department.”

Police officers nationwide have faced criticism of bias in the way they handle situations. The training is intended to open one’s eyes, to obtain a better understanding of others and of oneself to respond appropriately on calls and to determine if the incident at hand is a bias situation itself.

One can look at the numbers and say we are lucky, only 9 bias incidents have been reported so far this year in Princeton. Or, one can look and say even one incident is too many. Across town, lawn signs are posted stating “Hate has no home here.” Whether this is more hope or can become fact, time will tell.

Has this Past Year of Racial Awareness Led Princeton to Change?

In May 2020, George Floyd was arrested and killed in police custody. Princetonians quickly joined in protest, along with communities nationwide and renewed calls for racial justice were born. Shortly after, Princeton Perspectives took a look at our local response in our issue “When the Dust Settles – How a Community Turns Awareness into Action.” One year later, as we take a closer look at biases in our hometown, what progress has been made here with regards to racial justice and racial diversity?


One of the first changes to occur last summer was the removal of the name of Princeton’s John Witherspoon Middle School. The Princeton Board of Education (BOE) gave it the temporary name last August of Princeton Unified Middle School (PUMS) and announced at the recent April 27th meeting that the new, permanent name will be in the same vein – one that is not specific to a person. At the upcoming May 25th meeting, PUMS Principal Jason Burr is expected to recommend a permanent name, possibly Walnut Lane Middle School, Princeton Community Middle School, Princeton Public Middle School, Princeton Middle School, or Princeton Unified Middle School. The community will be able to share its thoughts during open comment, and the BOE will then vote on a permanent name on June 15th.

The renaming process, though not 100% endorsed by all in town, became an educational experience for some students in the Middle and High School. There has been a further recommendation that hallways or parts of the school building should now be named to honor people with rich Princeton history that were highlighted through this process, like Betsy Stockton, and to create a legacy marker on the school’s grounds explaining the work that went into examining John Witherspoon and renaming the school.

Also, at the middle school, a new Pathways to Racial Literacy elective was added this year. 452 students in grades 6-8 will have completed this new course by year end.

“The course includes approximately 20-lessons aligned to relevant New Jersey Student Learning Standards and to standards in one of four domains (identity, diversity, justice, and action) from the Social Justice Standards put forth by Learning for Justice, an organization launched 30-years ago by the Southern Poverty Law Center to reduce prejudice,” explains Keisha Smith-Carrington, Princeton Public Schools (PPS) Supervisor of Humanities, P-6.

The Pre-K through 5th grades in PPS began including racial literacy discussions in their library classes from the same standards used to devise the middle school courses.

“Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade classroom teachers who complete the foundational equity course receive a bin of texts to expand this learning into the classroom. Additional purchases of texts and curriculum revision work are planned before the year ends,” adds Smith-Carrington.  “To continue to expand racial literacy development throughout the district, the Cultivating Genius Book Study has been created and other professional learning opportunities will launch during the 2021-2022 school year.”

For grades 10-12, Princeton High School (PHS) was already offering a Racial Literacy & Justice elective. PHS is preparing to expand this course now that it has two more teachers trained to lead it. While it will remain an elective, an online self-reflective course exploring race will become required for all students.

To help move the needle further, Princeton Parents for Black Children (PPBC) was formed in January, organized by local parents to advocate for the rights of Black students within PPS.

“We believe that everyone benefits when all of our children are provided the opportunity for academic success and a healthy, encouraging environment. The families of Black children in this district, and their allies, are prepared to persistently and collectively advocate for justice and equity for our children,” shares Veronica Foreman, Co-President of PPBC.

To fulfill its commitment to address systemic racism, Princeton University (PU) has several new initiatives that began this past year and are in the works going forward. In addition to renewed efforts to hire a more diverse faculty and staff and educate a more diverse population, it is hoping to be more inclusive in its academic research and innovation. PU has created a professorship of Indigenous Studies, adopted a ‘supplier diversity action plan’ to include more minority owned businesses in its supply chain, is working on guidelines for naming or renaming things on campus and created an initiative called Princeton RISE (Recognizing Inequities and Standing for Equality), focusing on student’s civic engagement. It’s Racial Equity website details all of the efforts.


While schools are making strides to be more racially literate, teaching and talking about race can be very sensitive. There is hope that starting at a young age will help eliminate the taboo many adults encounter with these discussions.

“They’re hard conversations to have because the person has to unpack their own baggage and be brave enough to maybe say something that might not be politically correct in today’s consciousness,” explains Tommy Parker, Chair of Princeton’s Civil Rights Commission. “One of the things that has to change is Princeton has to admit to its own real identity too. When folks think of Princeton, they think of the big institution across Nassau Street, this very rich town, and that’s its public face. But you also have a history where you literally had slaves. You didn’t start hearing about that until recently. In order for us to heal in the right way, all this information has to be brought forth and dealt with.”

As these conversations are being had, the community is also trying to move forward through diversity and inclusion. In the municipality of Princeton there has been a big push to diversify its staff, amongst all races, and in one-years’ time there has already been change.

In the chart below, you can see there have been additions to the number of Hispanic, Black and Asian municipal staff since summer 2020.

The number Hispanic and Black hires are greater than their representative populations in the town, however there is more room for growth. 16.9% of Princetonians are Asian and they make up only 2.8% of the municipal workforce.

Another thing that was highlighted when Princeton Perspectives wrote about racial justice one year ago was the small size of the Human Services department, which was prohibiting it from fully meeting the community’s needs. Last summer, the department was staffed by just one full time head of Human Services and one part-time administrative assistant. Today, Human Services now has 1 full-time Director, 1 full-time Outreach Coordinator, 1 part-time secretary and 2 Summer Youth Employment Program Coordinators (10 weeks of service) as well as 1 Bilingual Parent Liaison (10 hours per week).

Human Services works closely with the Princeton Police Department (PPD) when mental health and social services issues arise. When promoted to Chief of Police last year, Christopher Morgan sought a continued focus on community outreach.

“We spend a significant amount of time in the police department, through a dedicated training program, to ensure that our officers are receiving the best and most up to date training so that they are the best prepared to help the community. We’ve also reached out to other community leaders to participate in our training program and speak to our officers and we are looking to expand this concept,” states Morgan.

To best reflect the community it serves, department vacancies aim to be filled from a diverse pool of applicants. Today, the current contingent of officers exceeds its service population in diversity.

“We are proud of our diversity and hope it can be used as an example for other agencies. In our police department we look at diversity as more than just a person’s race, ethnicity or gender. We recognize other differences in people that may affect their perspectives and opinions, such as where they grew up, their family’s financial situation and the make-up of their own family members,” notes Chief Morgan.

When speaking to locals around town, there is general agreement that diversity and inclusion is the way forward. But some caution it has to be done carefully, so as not to create a so-called cancel culture and reverse discrimination. As we seek to develop a more reflective, understanding and enlightened society, the hope is that education will create change.

“None of us is to blame for this ‘smog’,” Smith-Carrington explains, alluding to work from researcher Beverly Daniel Tatum. “However, educators and students are all responsible – once made aware – for continuing to learn the truths about our nation and ourselves; combatting our biases; dismantling systems of oppression in and beyond education; and working in community with others determined to do the same.”

There is a general consensus that in this past year and through the developments of greater awareness, things have moved forward. Yet, there is agreement that while there has been progress, one year’s efforts do not solidify change. There is still more work to be done.

Editor’s Note

Spring is a time for blooming. Flowers do it naturally, but sometimes people need a bit of a push. As we move on from the dark days of winter and the pandemic, it is time for us all to decide what we need and go for it. If your life is on a good path, keep going forward but if you find yourself struggling more than you should, maybe we can help with this month’s optimistic look at Reinventions – Local Realities of Turning Lemons into Lemonade.

As we work to reinvent ourselves in this new era, Princeton Perspectives shares the stories of others that have done so. In this month’s Pulse of Princeton video segment, we hear from locals that have seized the opportunities before them and used them to propel forward. They are a great inspiration!

We also share with you the full story of one Princetonian who found herself out of work during the COVID shutdown. In Reinventing Myself with a Pandemic Pivot, our guest writer shares her journey into a new career, using tools from her long-time trade.

Sometimes the pandemic puts restrictions on us that we can’t easily change. But we can adapt. You Don’t Have Leave the Princeton Area to Experience the World enlightens us to how much we are surrounded by opportunities and inspirations from abroad, and we don’t need to wait for the borders to open to explore them.

Another aspect of reinventions is giving something a second life. Whether you’ve been clearing out your closets year-long or are just getting into your spring cleaning, you will find there are things you no longer need. Why not pass them along? We share many options in Repurpose Your Goods for the Benefit of our Community.

And that natural blooming I just spoke about, it will happen whether you observe it or not, but sometimes being there or helping it flourish has incredible rewards. In Participating in the Evolutions of Nature Helps Us Evolve, Too we learn about one of our local outdoor treasures, and the benefits it brings.

The year has been a long and trying one, and if you managed to reinvent yourself months ago, good for you! If you are still waiting to do so, there’s no time like the present.

In this difficult year of COVID, we’ve also dealt with other major blows. Biases, long standing amongst us, have been further perpetrated by some, no longer tolerated by others. In the May issue of Princeton Perspectives, we’ll take a look how at our local community has coped, historically and in the present, and what we can all do to move forward to a better place.

I know I am coming out of hibernation excited about the sunshine and warmer weather. There is light at the end of the tunnel and I’m excited to get there. We thank you for helping us celebrate our first birthday last month and are grateful that you enjoy our stories and pass them along, helping Princeton Perspectives continue to blossom and grow!

Pulse of Princeton: How have you reinvented yourself or given a belonging a new purpose?

We’d love to include YOUR perspective! If you’d like to contribute a video for next month’s Pulse of Princeton, click here and provide your name and email address to be contacted.

You Don’t Have to Leave the Princeton Area to Experience the World

Do you remember when people used to jump on planes and explore other countries? The return to post-pandemic international travel is starting, but even for the willing, there are restrictions. Many international borders remain closed and if you can get there, many sites, stores and eateries are shut to tourists.

So, it’s time to reinvent how we travel. If you just want to get away and relax, many beach sites are open down South, in Mexico and the Caribbean. But if you want to explore the many facets of foreign cultures – luckily you live in Princeton! The global make-up of our community provides us with opportunities to enjoy the many wonders of each continent beyond North America, from right here at home!


There are many beautiful countries sitting above and alongside the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Immigrants and descendants from most of the 48 countries that make up the Asian continent reside in the greater-Princeton area and have brought with them a taste from home.

Literally, to taste the spices and flavors of India, you don’t even need to leave Princeton. There are numerous establishments in town. Northern Indian cuisine, that of the original northwestern frontier including Pakistan, is served at places like Princeton Shopping Center’s Cross Culture.

The restaurant, started by PJ Singh in 2010, offers the most common Indian favorites, including meats, marinated then barbecued and cooked in different kind of curries. Their most popular dish, chicken tikka masala, is a dish known throughout the world.

“People living in Princeton are world travelers, they have traveled a lot and they know their cuisine,” states Singh. “Most people can name these dishes, even if you ask American people, they don’t have to see the menu to know what chicken korma or tandoori chicken are. Most of our clientele know what to ask for, but if someone is new, to make them comfortable, I ask about their spice level.”

Singh says many not familiar with Indian food think of it as extremely spicy, but he works hard to make fresh food to order, based on your specific spice tolerance. Today, COVID has the restaurant serving take-out only, but when it opens up inside, you can enjoy your meal with the ambience of Indian music as well.

For a more vegetarian focus, one can experience Southern Indian food at places like Chennai Chimney on Chambers Street. The restaurant describes its regional cuisine as “a blend of all six different tastes including sweet, salt, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent” and aims to take a contemporary approach to its authentic food.

All around Princeton it is easy to find Asian restaurants to enjoy some Pad Thai (Thailand), Fried Rice (China), Kimchi (Korea), Pho (Vietnam), Sushi (Japan) and other Asian specialties. If you prefer to make a meal yourself, all kinds of Asian flavors and foods can be found at Asian Food Markets, located nearby in Plainsboro. The market was started in 1992 with a desire to bring all varieties of Asian groceries together in one place.

“Our products come from Thailand or Philippines and China. Some come from Hong Kong, Korea as well. And I think most stable during COVID are the Korean and Japanese products,” shares Irene Yan, Asia Food Markets’ Training Manager.

Delays of shipments leaving Asia and arriving in America have affected the inventory and pricing this past year, but Asian Food Markets continues to offer fresh ingredients and even prepared hot foods with tastes from all over the continent. If you’re new to this type of cooking, don’t be shy. Their customer service desk can provide advice, or if you prefer, their hot food department will even cook up store-bought fresh ingredients for you!

Asian Food Markets can also help you enjoy many of the Asian festivals. Decorations, like for Dragon Boat Festival coming up in June, can be found there as well.

Beyond the food, one of the best parts of traveling abroad is the souvenirs, that allow us to bring a bit culture back home. To experience Japan, one need only travel as far as Princeton’s Palmer Square and walk around stores like Miya Table and Home. The owners buy from small “mom and pop” businesses in Japan to offer everything from tableware and textile products to tea kettles and fortune cats.

“Our tagline is ‘Bringing the best of Japan home’ so we do take the idea of bringing great products from Japan home to the U.S. and into your homes very seriously,” explains Heidi Moon, Co-Owner of Miya Inc. “Pre-COVID, my husband and I took turns going on buying trips to Japan a couple of times per year. We attend trade shows and meet with manufacturing partners to find the best selection that we can. We always look for things that definitely have a Japanese aesthetic but has a western sensibility.”

Miya, Inc. is a 3rd generation Asian American business that started in New York City in the 1930s. It has evolved and grown over the years, but has stayed true to its roots, importing goods from Japan that can be enjoyed here in America.

“We hope our customers can feel how special each piece is in our shop. They can take home a bit of Japanese design, simplicity, and humor,” adds Moon.

Surrounding yourself with foreign goods is one way to immerse yourself in a culture, being in the middle of live entertainment is another. Every year, the IndoAmerican Fair aims to make you feel like you are in India! Held at Mercer County Park, with performances, clothing and of course food, the fair was last held in 2019, due to COVID. There is still hope for it to return this August, but the fair attracts large crowds and event permission for this year has not yet been granted.


Like the IndoAmerican Fair, the Mercer County Italian American Festival brought cultural presentations, food and games to our area each year. Despite COVID putting a hold on such festivals, we are lucky the Princeton area has numerous other connections to the 44 countries that make up Asia’s neighboring continent of Europe.

Simply walking around town can transport you to places like Greece, Great Britain and the Netherlands.

Have you ever heard the bells while playing a round of golf at Springdale? Those are sounds of the low countries of Europe, a Carillon made of bronze bells cast in England, France and The Netherlands. Installed as a gift in 1927 then renovated and rededicated in 1993, The Carillon or The Class of 1892 Bells ring from the Princeton University Graduate College’s Cleveland Tower. They are quiet now for graduate exam period but beginning May 16th you can bring a lawn chair and sit nearby to hear them played on Sundays at 1pm by the University Carillonneur through June and by nationally known artists during the summer concert series July 4th through Labor Day.

Further into town, you can feel like you’re walking amongst buildings of Europe with the architectural influences of the Greek at Nassau Presbyterian Church or the transcendence of the English in the former Princeton University dormitory, Lower Pyne, now home to Hamilton Jewelers at Nassau and Witherspoon Streets. If you cross into the Princeton University campus, many of the buildings have a Gothic style similar to those you’d find on the campuses of Oxford or Cambridge Universities in England.

There are also local places to immerse yourself in European culture. Though currently closed to the public due to COVID, there is hope you can soon stroll through the Zimmerli Art Museum to appreciate over 22,000 objects that make up its Russian and Soviet nonconformist art collection including paintings, sculptures and other decorative works. Located nearby, at Rutgers University, there is also a strong presence of 19th century French, ancient Greek and Roman art at the museum. Until the doors open again, you can browse the collections online here.

If you’re yearning for more from Italy, you can search for favorite delicacies at Gennaro’s Italian Market in Kingston. Owner Gennaro Costabile opened it in 2014 to bring tastes of Italy to Central NJ.

“We have everything from specialty raviolis, homemade gelatos and sausage to prepared foods like lasagnas and chicken francaise. Every day we make Italian pastries like sfogliatella, a traditional dessert from Naples,” details Costabile. “It’s like a clamshell. A lot of people aren’t familiar with it, so we tell people it’s cannoli’s sister. Once you taste it, you’ll want another.”

In addition to its homemade fare, Gennaro’s imports Italian olive oils, plum tomatoes and cheeses to sell in the market, as well as Italian espresso machines and espresso coffees that serve to customers. And Italian favorites are cooked up, along with international staples from places like Spain, Mexico, Germany and France at Casa Gennaro, the neighboring house-turned restaurant he created to make you feel like you’re a guest in his home.

“Casa means home in Italian, and that’s a place you feel like you are home for dinner,” Costabile shares. “It’s not just about the food, which is fantastic, but it’s about feeling at home. If you’re comfortable, your dining experience is unique, and you can’t wait to come back.”

Local Greek, which describes itself as “your place to gather with family, friends and neighbors to share simple dishes, big flavors, and new-old tradition,” aims to do something similar since it opened in 2017.

“Our philosophy is Greek hospitality. To make them feel welcome, like when they walk in the door that they aren’t in Princeton anymore, they are in Greece,” describes Marios Antoniou, Manager of Local Greek. “That’s been our philosophy no matter what. With COVID shutting down things, I think it shows up even more.”

So perhaps the pandemic hasn’t put a damper on everything. In fact, it hasn’t kept people from trying even more of Europe’s cultural cuisine, stateside. You can have Escargots at French restaurant Kristine’s on Witherspoon Street, Hungarian Goulash in Ewing at Barbara’s Restaurant, The Landing offers up some German fare like schnitzel in Hillsborough and you can pick up your favorite desires from Eastern Europe at Super Delikatesy – Polish Groceries and Deli in Lawrenceville.


If you’ve been lucky enough to travel to Africa, you may have experienced falafel – a signature dish of the Middle East region. Though you can’t easily go there today, you can enjoy some authentic cuisine right now on Witherspoon Street.

The original Mamoun’s Falafel (which opened in New York City’s Greenwich Village) was one of the first middle eastern eateries in the United States! Their chickpea-based falafel, offered in Princeton since 2015, was first sold by Mamoun Chater’s grandfather.

“Falafel is a staple in the Middle East, so he knew his mother’s recipe was really good and he fine-tweaked it,” explains Chater, who oversees the Princeton operations today.

Falafel recipes vary, depending on what part of the Middle East you’re from. For example, Syrians enjoy a base of chickpeas, in Egypt falafel is made of fava beans and some Lebanese recipes call for a mix of both fava beans and chickpeas. Mamoun’s hopes to transport your taste buds to that region with its signature recipe, using imported spices and natural ingredients.

“We use a traditional falafel recipe of chickpeas, garlic, onions, a special spice blend,” details Chater. “Our falafel is a vibrant green because we have a healthy ratio of parsley in there. That’s how you can tell 9 times out of 10 someone is eating a falafel from Mamoun’s.”

If you were to travel to the landlocked country of Ethiopia, located near the eastern edge of Africa, you would find the original home of the coffee plant. Locally, places like Small World Coffee, provide an opportunity to sample their exports. There you can buy a bag of the floral scented Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Kochere beans and create a brew with a lemony flavor. The beans stem from the region of Yirgacheffe, one of three popular Ethiopian regions for growing coffee.

After you’ve had your food and drink, you can immerse yourself in some African culture while exploring the African art collection at the Princeton University Art Museum. The works of female African artists and their influences in the culture are celebrated there through pottery, textiles, baskets and beaded pieces. Until the new museum space opens in 2024, the University’s galleries are closed to visitors, but for now you can explore this exhibit online.


Australia is a continent not well-represented in nearby shops or restaurants, but you can still experience its culture from here. Do you happen to have a didgeridoo from a previous trip to Australia? If you want to learn how to play this Aboriginal wind instrument, you can do so online right from home! Free video tutorials are available from the Didge Project – you can even purchase a didgeridoo through their online store or pick-up at their Brooklyn brick-and-mortar location.

Chances are, you’ve enjoyed some beverages from the Australian continent, and didn’t even know it! That famous blue can, Fosters Lager, stems from Australia and is sold locally at stores like Public Wine, Beer and Spirits on Witherspoon Street. If wine is more your style, New Zealand’s largest family-owned wine producer, Delegat’s Wine Estate, makes a line that is sold in Princeton at Bottle King. Oyster Bay wines come from the area of Marlborough Sounds, located on New Zealand’s South Island. Bottle King sells their Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay.

One used to be able to purchase some products from New Zealand at Landau on Nassau Street, but the store unfortunately closed during the pandemic. However, if you want Australian souvenirs or you’re craving some Vegemite, there is an American-run site that sells Australian goods called AussieFoodExpress.com. Other specialties like Tim Tams and even fresh meat pies and can be shipped to your home in less than a week!


One of the sad realities of the pandemic is that is has caused many of us to become more sedate. Fortunately, you can get your body moving and experience some South American culture at Fred Astaire Dance Studios. The Argentine Tango, which originated out of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, is a partner dance with more of an improvisational style than ballroom tango. The Brazilian Samba, with its roots in West African and Brazilian traditions, stems from Rio de Janeiro. Both movements can be learned through Fred Astaire Dance Studios, either in-person at their Princeton Shopping Center location, online through free video lessons or with private streaming lessons.

Dancing can make you thirsty, so after your lesson why not stop by Sakrid Coffee and try one of its Colombian brews?

“Right now, we have coffees available from Burundi & Ethiopia (Africa), Mexico and Colombia (Central & South America). Some time ago we had a Papua New Guinea coffee (Indonesia),” offers Jonathan Haley, co-founder of Sakrid Coffee Roasters. “Those three areas represent the three primary growing regions for coffee in the world. We also combine these coffees and brew them as one coffee (known as a blend).”

Most of these beans are purchased through cooperatives. However, not too long ago, Haley’s business partner, Serge Picard, traveled with a team to Peru to sample some beans himself. This trip offered tastings straight from the Andes Mountains, including naturally farmed beans from El Cautivo.

“We named the company Sakrid because of that moment when you inhale the first aromas and taste the first hints of transcendent beans. All coffee lovers have had that Moment With a Great Cup, when the outside world slows down and the java experience takes control of your senses,” Sakrid Coffee Roasters describes, as they tasted the El Cautivo on their trip. “Now imagine that ‘Sakrid moment’ in a mountain hut.”

That experience can now be enjoyed here in Princeton, too. You can purchase a bag of these full-bodied beans, which bring about notes of plum and honeydew, directly at their Nassau Street store or online.

Down Nassau Street from Sakrid Coffee is Say Cheez – which will be home to the kitchen of the virtual restaurant, Empanada Station beginning May 1, 2021. While there is debate about the origin of Empanadas, there is no question that some delicious varieties come from Argentina and Chile. You can try a more traditional type, made with beef or chicken with an array of side sauce options or go for a modern version like the ‘Buffalo Bill’ with seasoned chicken, blue cheese, marinara and buffalo hot sauce. All Empanada Station orders will be taken exclusively online and delivered through services including UberEats, Grubhub, Snackpass and DoorDash. Until the ghost kitchen opens, a more limited selection of fresh empanadas is available at Say Cheez.

If you’re craving other South American cuisine, Venezuelan options are available for takeout from Casdeluna on Chestnut Avenue in Trenton.


Perhaps there is one continent with little to offer from within the confines of New Jersey, and that’s Antarctica. But there is a piece of it here! A research team at Princeton University has been studying ice samples taken from the continent, believed to be 2 million years old!

And, you can access an expedition – a virtual one – through Quark Expeditions 360° Virtual Reality Antarctic Experience with the Quark Antarctic VR app on your mobile device, tablet or computer. You’ll be able to see penguins, seals and whales in their natural habitats amongst ice blue glaciers. If you prefer to wait and see these sites in person, there are cruises to Antarctica booking for January 2022.

Beyond Antarctica, many countries around the world now offer virtual experiences, some live. With groups like Beeyonder and Tours by Locals you can sign up for livestream tours where a guide walks you through the streets in realtime, introducing you to the sights and sounds of their hometown, while answering your questions.

If you prefer to speak with people, locally, who come from other countries, consider joining a group like the YWCA Newcomers & Friends. This community of 179 people has members from 14 from countries outside the US. Through social coffees, guest speakers and special interest groups, they gather and share. One such group, Global Insights, allows members to “travel” together. Their monthly Zoom presentations have taken members to Greenland, Russia, Faroe Islands, Portugal and more.

Until foreign countries open up for travel, we’ll have to continue to reinvent how we visit them. Thankfully we have so many options to enjoy cultures and tastes from far away, right here at home.

Repurpose Your Goods for the Benefit of our Community

I’ve long had a problem with getting rid of things. I’m not a hoarder, but I like to know that when my family is done with something it goes to someone else that needs or wants it. I once spent hours finding all the parts to my son’s old toy, putting it together so that another little child could enjoy it. Then I watched, as the donation truck driver picked up my donations, threw them into the back of his truck and the toy pieces scattered everywhere, rendering the toy useless. Ever since, I have chosen to donate locally, where I can hand-deliver my things to help ensure they have the chance to be reused by someone else.

Repurposing your goods rather than throwing them out not only helps our environment but helps our community. And, it is tax season. If you choose to donate, those write-offs could help you, too. If you’re like me, you’ve spent the better part of the pandemic cleaning out rooms and closets, but you don’t know who is accepting goods or what they need. Though some COVID restrictions have been put in place, there are still many local ways give your items a second life.


Consignment is a great option for people who either need to get a little something back for their purchases or who want to. Princeton proper happens to be home to at least three consignment shops. When you consign, you drop off your goods in hopes that they will be sold to someone else. Once sold, you collect a portion of that revenue. In addition, most consignment shops also donate to charity. So, there are two chances for your items to benefit someone else.

You can “give your fine clothing new life,” as Princeton Consignment describes it, by making an appointment to drop off your goods. The Spring Street store was opened by Beth Censits in 2018.

“It’s a really fun and rewarding business to be in in these days of fast fashion, because you know someone will give the garment extra life and hopefully find something that they love,” says Censits. “Every garment is acceptable if it is clean and in good shape and it has a place in one’s wardrobe. That covers a lot of bases from classic, elegant, biker, punk, hippy, designer…. anything that ‘gives joy’ to borrow of phrase.”

The condition of your clothes, what season it’s for and how it compares to what is already for sale in the store are considered when accepting items for consignment. At Princeton Consignment, women’s and men’s clothing, shoes and accessories are consigned for a 2-month period, after which they’re donated to local charities, including Dress for Success.

Nearly New Shop on Nassau Street has been in our community for 76 years. Once owned by Princeton Day School, it was taken over by Toni Maher in 2012 and she has seen a real shift in business recently.

“Middle School and High School students make up a huge part of our clientele now that thrifting is cool and sustainable and better for the environment. During the pandemic we have noticed that our regular elderly clients are still hesitant to come in. Our regular lunchtime clients have not been in due to them working from home,” explains Maher. “With the nice weather approaching, people being vaccinated, students on campus, thrifting and sustainability, we are excited for the future of Nearly New Shop!”

You can drop off your donations during store hours and reap a 50/50 split once they are sold. Proceeds from Nearly New Shop are donated to the Princeton Day School Scholarship Fund and any unsold items are donated to charities including The Rescue Mission of Trenton and Vietnam Veterans of America.

You can also consign your clothes at Greene Street, which started as a single shop in Pennsylvania in 1997. Its Nassau Street location is now of seven shops located around New Jersey and greater Philadelphia. Here shoppers can find men’s and women’s clothing, shoes and accessories from mid to high-end designers at a portion of their initial cost. Greene Street historically partners with or donates to many charities located near its stores.

If you have items to pass along that could help others raising a family, Just Between Friends (JBF) pop-up consignment sale offers a chance for you to consign what you’re done with and shop for what you still need. There are 150 of these franchise consignment sales around the country, and JBF Mercer County is happening April 23-25 at the Robbinsville Fieldhouse.

“Many of our toys, clothes, shoes, games, puzzles etc. are under $5. Books are usually $1 or $2,” explains Jennifer Grant, Event Coordinator/Owner JBF Western Gloucester County and Mercer County. “I remember a woman who once thanked me because she bought Ugg boots and a Northface jacket for her daughter for $20. She said the kids were making fun of her at school and she was teary eyed because she was able to afford them at our sale.”

The sale offers anything ranging from what a young baby would need to what a mother could benefit from. So if you’re looking to pass along play tables, strollers, clothes & shoes (sized from infant to Juniors/Young Men and maternity) you can create an account and tag items for sale until the April 22nd drop off date and then get a free ticket to shop the sale, which is working hard to ensure safety for everyone this year.

“We have timed tickets all weekend to keep the capacity limited and spaced out. Everyone must wear a mask. Our aisles will be spaced out and we will use all 60,000 square feet of the fieldhouse (we usually only use half). We will have a sanitizing station and all bags and rolling carts will be sanitized between users,” says Grant.


In addition to changing the way many used items are sold, the COVID pandemic has also affected collection. While some area charities have temporarily stopped accepting certain residential donations, there are still many local options.

Gently used clothing can be donated to Rescue Mission of Trenton and four donation boxes are located around Princeton, at Tenacre Foundation on Great Road, Educational Testing Center (ETS) on Rosedale Road, D&R Greenway Land Trust on Preservation Place and in Princeton University Parking Lot 23, located off Faculty Road. A clothing donation dropbox for Jewish Family & Children’s Services can be found in the parking lot of The Jewish Center on Nassau Street and The Salvation Army has one on Meadow Road. You can also bring your goods directly to their store and donation center on Route 33 in Mercerville. Donated goods are sold at the Salvation Army’s thrift stores and the proceeds fund their Adult Rehabilitation Centers.

“Donations of clothing, shoes, furniture and other household items from generous donors benefit our community in many ways: by providing a low-cost option for families to clothe and furnish their homes with quality merchandise, by keeping these items out of our waste stream and giving textiles and other items a second life, and by providing the means to operate a no insurance needed rehabilitation center that offers men a second chance,” explain Captains Chas and Debbie Engel, Salvation Army Administrators for Business and Program. “Of course, it’s not just the individuals completing our program whose lives are changed; their families and the communities around them benefit, as well.”

Goodwill, on Brunswick Pike in Lawrenceville, is also thankful for your donation of gently used clothing, accessories and furniture.

If you have shoes that your children have outgrown or that you no longer wear, they can find a second life when donated to Soles4Souls, which accepts gently worn shoes in all sizes and styles. After years of donating with his family, one local boy decided to help this organization collect shoes in a big way.

“One day, my mom showed me a video on the Soles4Souls website. In it were kids walking across dirt and debris with no socks or shoes,” shares Robbinsville teenager, Zachary Miller, who made a goal in honor of his Bar Mitzvah of collecting 25,000 shoes for the organization. “This made me really sad and made a big impression on me because I wear different types of shoes in my life for school, sports and dressing up. It never occurred to me that some people don’t even have one pair of shoes.”

So far Soles4Souls as saved more than 56 million shoes from waste and provided them to nonprofits around the world. Miller has set up a collection bin at Princeton Playspace on Alexander Road. You can drop your donations during their open hours, weekdays until 3:30pm and on weekends until 11:30am.

“I am very close to my goal and currently have collected 22,000 pair of shoes. But I really enjoy working with Soles4Souls and know that I will continue to partner with them long after I have collected 25,000 pairs,” he notes.

As the weather improves and we spend more time outside, you might notice your children have outgrown or no longer use certain toys. Gently used frisbees, hula hoops, jump ropes, playground balls, sidewalk chalk, sports cones, wiffle ball/bats and yoga mats are currently being collected by the Mobile Food Pantry to help encourage their recipients to stay active and get outdoors. You can donate any you have by contacting Liliana Morenilla through their website.


To offer up used items to people in your local community, join a Buy Nothing Facebook group. In 2013, two friends in Washington created the first Buy Nothing and it has since expanded with at least 3 million participants through local groups in 44 nations, including here in Princeton.

“Currently, we have over 625 members each in the West and East groups. But we just sprouted into two groups two weeks ago and the numbers will grow exponentially in the next few weeks,” notes Buy Nothing Princeton (West) Administrator, Minda Alena.

In addition to Princeton (West), and Princeton (East) other local Buy Nothing Facebook groups include Hopewell Valley, Lawrence Township, Montgomery Township/Rocky Hill, Plainsboro and West Windsor.

“Buy Nothing Project rules are simple: Post anything you’d like to give away, lend, or share amongst neighbors. Ask for anything you’d like to receive for free or borrow. Keep it legal. No hate speech. No buying or selling, no trades or bartering, we’re strictly a gift economy,” the website details.

Another way to give away items you no longer want to neighbors that do is through Freecycle. Here you can give/get anything from a dresser and loveseat, to plants and beach toys.


Have children’s books your child will no longer read, a bunch of paperbacks you once read on vacation or an antique collection you obtained when your great aunt passed? There are local ways to pass all of them along!

Little Free Library allows you to give a book and take a book. And these small wooden book-sharing boxes have popped up in various spots around town. Local sites include at Princeton Shopping Center, 185 Dodds Lane, 256 Snowden Lane, 29 Leabrook Lane, 99 Dempsey Ave, 32 Edgehill Street and in Marquand Park on Lovers Lane.

In addition, The Friends Bookstore at The Princeton Public Library historically collects book donations from the community. However, there has been such an outpouring of donations this year, they are temporarily not making appointments to accept new ones. If you have items to give, you can email them here and they will contact you when you are able to book an appointment.

Gifts of rare books and manuscripts can be given to the Princeton University Library, if they meet the guidelines to support the University’s collection. You can also seek to sell your antiquarian books and special edition items to Labyrinth Books.

“Given the community we serve, our emphasis tends to be on scholarly and academic works in the disciplines, although distinctive and first editions are also welcome,” shares Stephen Walter, Labyrinth Floor Manager and Used/Rare Book Buyer. “What this means in practice is that we exclude many of the types of books a more general used bookstore might accept: mass market and genre fiction, dated hardbacks, ‘coffee table books,’ self-help, health and diet, old reference, popular biography, and political punditry, to list just some examples.”

You must make an appointment via email, by sending a description of your collection detailing the subject area, condition and quantity. If you can include photos, that is appreciated.


Outgrown bicycles, in any condition, can be given to the Boys & Girls Clubs Bike Exchange. You can drop it directly at their Ewing site in Capitol Plaza, or in Princeton, there is a collection site at Jay’s Cycles on Nassau Street. The exchange repairs the bikes, if needed, then sells them at deeply discounted prices to members of the community. Sales benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Mercer County and promote cycling. If you’re planning to get yourself a new one, you might also be able to trade-in your bicycle towards an upgrade at Jay’s.

There are also numerous local charities accepting car donations. Salvation Army, Goodwill and Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County will all take your car whether it is running or not. Homefront is accepting car donations, only if they are in working order.


Lastly, since it is tax season, take a look at your investments. You may want to clear some unwanted stocks out of your portfolio. As Trenton Area Soup Kitchen says, you can “maximize tax savings and meet your charitable goals” by giving them stocks or mutual funds.

Junior League of Greater Princeton also appreciates your support with the gift of stocks.

Whatever it is you are done with, consider passing it along. Giving your items a second life not only helps our environment, but it can put a really big smile on someone else’s face. We could all use a little more of that these days!

Editor’s Note

Princeton, NJ March 12, 2020 was a very different place than Princeton, NJ March 12, 2021. On that day one year ago, children attended a full day of school (albeit most cleaned out their lockers upon leaving), most grown-ups worked a full day at the office and hordes of people ran to the supermarket to stock up before we went into mandatory isolation. The governor had just signed an executive order, and many were filled with fear and concern. None of us could have predicted a year later we would still be avoiding crowds, wearing masks and waving hello to others from a distance.

That very same week, on March 17, 2020, Princeton Perspectives posted our first issue. Amidst the panic, we were able to share the current situation with one principal’s reaction to COVID, and every month since, we’ve gone in-depth to cover what matters and provide you with an understanding and appreciation for the happenings, people and places around our town.

This month, in COVID – A Year In. The Local Realities, Princeton Perspectives takes a look at what the situation has really been like for Princeton, and the people and places most affected by the pandemic.

Each one of us has a story, no one is unaffected. To hear what others have gone through, watch the Pulse of Princeton video. You’ll learn from several locals how the past year has changed them.

There has been a lot of information and misinformation about the impact the virus has had in Princeton. Who had been affected the most? Is it our long-term care facilities? Our schools? A Year Later, the Full Picture of COVID in Princeton investigates the situation to bring you an all-encompassing account of how our town has fared and where we stand today.

For some, COVID-19 took loved ones. For others, sickness struck and changed their lives. Four Princeton residents were brave enough to revisit their experiences and share them with you. After a Difficult Year, Reflections from Princeton Pandemic Survivors tells their stories.

Amongst all the sorrow and pain, is the beacon of hope. This unprecedented pandemic brought forth an array of scientific discoveries and creations. In Princeton-area Scientists Help Fight the Pandemic Battle, we demonstrate some of the ways our local science community has heeded the call and is helping us to curb this pandemic.

Also helping in this fight are our Frontline workers. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for all they have given and given up to protect and provide for our community. But what has it been like for them? Perspective from a Year on Princeton’s Frontline is a first-hand account from one of Princeton’s medical leaders. How did she manage being a doctor, a mother and a Princeton resident this past year? Read on to find out.

Last but not least we bring you Perspectives Revisited, our monthly opportunity to update you on stories from the past. It has been a year since the pandemic arrived, but unfortunately, it has had long-lasting effects.

Still, COVID cases have dropped in Princeton and every day more people get vaccinated. There is a feeling of optimism as the sun starts to shine more and warm weather ushers in. To that end, in April we will bring you Reinventions. Spring is a time for blooming, we’ll share our local realities of what’s blossoming here.

Thank you for going on this year-long journey with us. As always, if you like what you’re reading, please forward to a friend. We aim to tap into what matters to Princeton and that means what matters to you. If you have a topic idea we’re not covering, please email us here.

We look forward to sharing another year of honest journalism with you, and many more!

The Pulse of Princeton: How has this past year of the pandemic changed you?

We reached out to several Princeton residents to understand what it’s been like for them.

We’d love to include YOUR perspective! If you’d like to contribute a video for next month’s Pulse of Princeton, click here and provide your name and email address to be contacted.